Coen Energy Corporation

Oil Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Coen Energy Corporation. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesJan 1980 - Nov 2024
Total Oil Production887,608 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Estimated Daily Oil Prod.8 BBLs
Estimated Daily Gas Prod.0 MCF
Estimated Daily Water Prod.0 BBLs
Producing Wells31

Coen Energy Corporation Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Coen Energy Corporation
from Jan 1980 to Nov 2024

Wells Operated by Coen Energy Corporation

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
15-207-20747 A. SAFERITE 1 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS38.008886-95.592099
15-207-20747 A. SAFERITE 1 Converted to EOR WellWoodson County, KS38.008886-95.592099
15-207-20747 A. SAFERITE 1 Converted to SWD WellWoodson County, KS38.008886-95.592099
15-207-23715 B. B. NEWBY 1 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS37.980639-95.682349
15-207-23662 B. B. NEWBY 10 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS37.978985-95.674961
15-207-23663 B. B. Newby 12 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS37.974016-95.674956
15-207-23663 B. B. NEWBY 12 Converted to EOR WellWoodson County, KS37.978052-95.674960
15-207-23716 B. B. NEWBY 13 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS37.977231-95.675219
15-207-23661 B. B. NEWBY 3 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS37.980030-95.676800
15-207-23551 B. B. NEWBY 4 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS37.980293-95.675496
15-207-23610 B. B. NEWBY 5 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS37.979332-95.676990
15-207-23611 B. B. Newby 6 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS37.979652-95.675863
15-207-02196 B. B. Newby 8 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS37.978566-95.677353
15-207-21657 B. B. NEWBY T-1 Plugged and AbandonedWoodson County, KS37.976902-95.675499
15-107-22661 BALL 'A' 12 Plugged and AbandonedLinn County, KS38.144770-95.040531
15-107-22615 BALL 'A' 13 Plugged and AbandonedLinn County, KS38.146022-95.048232
15-107-22620 BALL 'A' 14 Plugged and AbandonedLinn County, KS38.146021-95.046633
15-107-22767 BALL 'A' 2 Plugged and AbandonedLinn County, KS38.150321-95.043567
15-107-22511 BALL 'A' 3 Plugged and AbandonedLinn County, KS38.143583-95.045135
15-011-21042 BRADLEY 1-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.994173-95.059980
15-011-22851 BRADLEY 1-36 WSW ProducingBourbon County, KS37.995135-95.054507
15-011-21055 BRADLEY 14-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.997716-95.059993
15-011-21059 BRADLEY 18-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.995044-95.055542
15-011-21339 BRADLEY 21-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.996829-95.058886
15-011-21175 BRADLEY 23-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.998732-95.059977
15-011-21176 BRADLEY 24-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.995947-95.057766
15-011-21178 BRADLEY 26-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.997823-95.057736
15-011-21211 BRADLEY 27-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS38.000753-95.052225
15-011-21213 BRADLEY 29-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.999456-95.051013
15-011-21044 BRADLEY 3-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.994162-95.057773
15-011-21344 BRADLEY 36-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.999986-95.049868
15-011-21346 BRADLEY 38-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS38.000340-95.052040
15-011-21347 BRADLEY 39-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.999467-95.053165
15-011-21398 BRADLEY 40-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.998726-95.058849
15-011-21399 BRADLEY 41-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.998715-95.056612
15-011-21402 BRADLEY 44-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.995843-95.054978
15-011-21403 BRADLEY 45-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.999613-95.057652
15-011-21405 BRADLEY 47-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.999602-95.055487
15-011-21046 BRADLEY 5-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.995958-95.060021
15-011-21446 BRADLEY 50-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS38.000352-95.054348
15-011-21447 BRADLEY 51-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS38.001175-95.054335
15-011-21450 BRADLEY 54-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.998580-95.054376
15-011-21526 BRADLEY 58-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.998569-95.052138
15-011-21530 BRADLEY 62-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS38.000810-95.049855
15-011-22118 BRADLEY 71-36 ProducingBourbon County, KS37.996312-95.053839
15-107-23135 MECKE 1 ProducingLinn County, KS38.043493-95.006764
15-107-23143 MECKE 2 ProducingLinn County, KS38.044316-95.007813
15-107-23144 MECKE 3 ProducingLinn County, KS38.043492-95.008847
15-107-25325 MECKE 5-2020 SpuddedLinn County, KS38.041042-95.007539
15-011-22727 SCROGGS 6 RecompletedBourbon County, KS37.981759-95.006561

Leases Operated by Coen Energy Corporation

Lease #Lease NameCountyMonthly Oil Prod.
1001137354 BALL Linn County, KS
1001136894 FARNS Linn County, KS
1001133065 GILKERSON Woodson County, KS
1001107518 HERRMANN LAWRENCE Anderson County, KS
1001107234 KESKE C. Woodson County, KS
1001129581 LML DAVIS (BRADLEY) Bourbon County, KS
1001140397 MECKE Linn County, KS
1001131279 NEWBY (BB) Woodson County, KS
1001107236 STABLER J. Woodson County, KS
1001128523 SULLIVAN BROS Woodson County, KS

Properties Operated by Coen Energy Corporation

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
BALLLinn County, KS0 BBLsAug 1985 - Nov 20173
FREEMANWoodson County, KSOct 202453 BBLsFeb 1980 - Oct 20248
KESKEWoodson County, KS0 BBLsJan 1980 - Nov 202334
MECKELinn County, KSOct 2024154 BBLsJan 1990 - Nov 20244
MURROWBourbon County, KSOct 2024152 BBLsApr 1980 - Nov 202418
OAKESWoodson County, KS0 BBLsMar 1989 - May 20121
SCROGGSBourbon County, KS0 BBLsDec 1989 - May 20242
SULLIVANAllen County, KSOct 202434 BBLsNov 1985 - Nov 202417
WEBBERLinn County, KSOct 20241,008 BBLsMar 1984 - Nov 202416

Recent Permits Filed by Coen Energy Corporation

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Coen Energy Corporation

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Coen Energy Corporation. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
11217 W 140TH PL, OVERLAND PARK KS 66221(913) 515-8622