CH4 Energy LLC

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for CH4 Energy LLC. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatesTX, WY
Production DatesNov 2002 - May 2006
Total Oil Production1,525 BBLs
Total Gas Production4,629,578 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

CH4 Energy LLC Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for CH4 Energy LLC
from Nov 2002 to May 2006

Wells Operated by CH4 Energy LLC

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
42-293-31488 BARNETT, C. G. 1 Plugged Gas WellLimestone County, TX31.346863-96.422206
42-439-30541 BELL 1 Dry HoleTarrant County, TX32.802722-97.150700
49-005-53720 HARTZOG 23-8-4374BG Campbell County, WY43.712400-105.776370
49-005-53716 HARTZOG 32-8-4374BG Campbell County, WY43.716250-105.772450
49-005-53715 HARTZOG 41-8-4374BG Campbell County, WY43.719880-105.766750
49-005-53713 HARTZOG 43-8-4374BG Campbell County, WY43.712050-105.767940
49-005-53011 HARTZOG FEDERAL 12-9-4374BG Campbell County, WY43.715760-105.762020
49-005-53010 HARTZOG FEDERAL 14-9-4374BG Campbell County, WY43.708860-105.761810
49-005-52428 HARTZOG FEDERAL 14-9-4475BG Permanently AbandonedCampbell County, WY43.798260-105.884170
49-005-53009 HARTZOG FEDERAL 21-9-4374BG Campbell County, WY43.720150-105.756080
49-005-53008 HARTZOG FEDERAL 23-9-4374BG Campbell County, WY43.712080-105.757310
49-005-54538 HARTZOG FEDERAL 32-17-4374BG Expired PermitCampbell County, WY43.701790-105.772040
49-005-53007 HARTZOG FEDERAL 34-9-4374BG Campbell County, WY43.708570-105.752350
49-005-54422 HARTZOG FEDERAL 41-24-4475BG Campbell County, WY43.778620-105.806360
49-005-53380 LX BAR 21-26-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.900770-105.972160
49-005-53376 LX BAR FED 12-13-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.925580-105.956170
49-005-53387 LX BAR FED 12-23-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.910990-105.975100
49-005-53391 LX BAR FED 12-26-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.896780-105.977380
49-005-53374 LX BAR FED 14-13-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.918040-105.957660
49-005-53384 LX BAR FED 14-23-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.903610-105.976900
49-005-53406 LX BAR FED 14-25-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.889210-105.956600
49-005-53388 LX BAR FED 14-26-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.889340-105.976220
49-005-53362 LX BAR FED 21-13-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.929920-105.951010
49-005-53410 LX BAR FED 21-24-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.915410-105.951350
49-005-53402 LX BAR FED 21-25-5776 CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.900740-105.952080
49-005-53360 LX BAR FED 23-13-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.921990-105.952190
49-005-53392 LX BAR FED 23-23-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.908010-105.973040
49-005-53418 LX BAR FED 23-24-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.908100-105.952370
49-005-53373 LX BAR FED 23-26-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.893120-105.972560
49-005-53358 LX BAR FED 32-13-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.926200-105.948410
49-005-53405 LX BAR FED 32-23-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.911330-105.968720
49-005-53416 LX BAR FED 32-24-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.911820-105.947390
49-005-53399 LX BAR FED 32-25-5776 CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.896480-105.946830
49-005-53371 LX BAR FED 32-26-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.897830-105.967110
49-005-53350 LX BAR FED 34-12-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.933550-105.946750
49-005-53356 LX BAR FED 34-13-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.917350-105.946180
49-005-53382 LX BAR FED 34-14-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.917220-105.968050
49-005-53401 LX BAR FED 34-23-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.904300-105.966220
49-005-53414 LX BAR FED 34-24-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.903950-105.947650
49-005-53369 LX BAR FED 34-26-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.889650-105.967590
49-005-53354 LX BAR FED 41-13-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.929860-105.942490
49-005-53413 LX BAR FED 41-24-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.915260-105.942220
49-005-53397 LX BAR FED 41-25-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.900090-105.942210
49-005-53352 LX BAR FED 43-13-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.922280-105.942220
49-005-53379 LX BAR FED 43-14-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.921170-105.961580
49-005-53409 LX BAR FED 43-24-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.907700-105.942120
49-005-53395 LX BAR FED 43-25-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.893080-105.941920
49-005-53365 LX BAR FED 43-27-5776CO Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.893500-105.982590
49-005-53884 MUMMA DRAW FED 12-22-5373CA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.562660-105.633490
49-005-53887 MUMMA DRAW FED 14-23-5373CA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.554680-105.612620

Leases Operated by CH4 Energy LLC

Lease #Lease NameCounty
05-199048 OATES JAMES 1 Limestone County, TX

Properties Operated by CH4 Energy LLC

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
BELLTarrant County, TXNov 202413,282 MCFMay 2006 - Dec 20244
HARTZOGCampbell County, WY0 MCFOct 2004 - Mar 2024100
HARTZOG FEDERALCampbell County, WY0 MCFJan 2005 - Mar 2024154
LX BARCampbell County, WY0 MCFJun 2005 - Jun 201555
MUMMA DRAWCampbell County, WY0 MCFApr 2007 - Aug 20122
MUSTANG FEDERALCampbell County, WY0 MCFMay 2005 - Jun 201515
PC FEDERALCampbell County, WY0 MCFAug 2008 - Dec 202421
SCHLAUTMANNCampbell County, WY0 MCFAug 2005 - Sep 20136

Recent Permits Filed by CH4 Energy LLC

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by CH4 Energy LLC

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for CH4 Energy LLC. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
1000 W WEATHERFORD ST STE 200 FORT WORTH, TX 76102(817) 924-8695
1000 WEST WEATHERFORD ST STE.200, FORT WORTH, TX 76102(817) 924-8695