Captain'S Oil Inc

Oil Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Captain'S Oil Inc. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesJan 1980 - Sep 2003
Total Oil Production118,495 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Captain'S Oil Inc Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Captain'S Oil Inc
from Jan 1980 to Sep 2003

Wells Operated by Captain'S Oil Inc

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
15-121-01770 Cayot 13-77 Plugged and AbandonedMiami County, KS38.642490-95.033443
15-121-01771 Cayot 14-77 Plugged and AbandonedMiami County, KS38.643424-95.033444
15-121-01772 Cayot 16-77 Plugged and AbandonedMiami County, KS38.641282-95.033441
15-121-01928 Cayot 17-77-5 Converted to Producing WellMiami County, KS38.640231-95.031900
15-121-90755 CAYOT 18-77 Plugged and AbandonedMiami County, KS38.640101-95.033440
15-121-20693 Cayot 21-78 Plugged and AbandonedMiami County, KS38.641491-95.039655
15-121-20688 Cayot 23-78 Plugged and AbandonedMiami County, KS38.639075-95.039653
15-121-20642 CAYOT 7-78 Plugged and AbandonedMiami County, KS38.643782-95.036539
15-121-20646 Cayot 9-78 Plugged and AbandonedMiami County, KS38.641380-95.036536
15-059-21776 CLAYTON 1-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.717247-95.107779
15-059-22514 CLAYTON 1-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.719079-95.108077
15-059-22647 CLAYTON 10-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.718240-95.110210
15-059-22648 CLAYTON 11-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.718238-95.109053
15-059-22774 CLAYTON 12-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.718236-95.108002
15-059-21777 CLAYTON 2-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.720023-95.106612
15-059-22515 CLAYTON 2-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.719211-95.109093
15-059-21831 CLAYTON 3-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.717311-95.105431
15-059-22516 CLAYTON 3-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.719013-95.110008
15-059-22517 CLAYTON 4-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.718845-95.111441
15-059-21834 CLAYTON 5-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.718247-95.106742
15-059-22549 CLAYTON 5-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.719894-95.110274
15-059-21850 CLAYTON 6-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.718296-95.107926
15-059-22550 CLAYTON 6-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.719680-95.111409
15-059-22641 CLAYTON 7-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.720050-95.109051
15-059-22642 CLAYTON 8-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.720048-95.107894
15-059-22646 CLAYTON 9-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.718242-95.111366
15-059-22890 CLAYTON W1-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.719463-95.110677
15-059-22891 CLAYTON W2-82 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.719529-95.109678
15-059-21845 COUGHENOUR 1-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.694603-95.086443
15-059-22406 COUGHENOUR 10-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.693754-95.088841
15-059-22407 COUGHENOUR 11-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.692862-95.088813
15-059-22376 COUGHENOUR 12-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.694495-95.088863
15-059-21846 COUGHENOUR 2-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.693773-95.086434
15-059-22343 COUGHENOUR 3-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.692832-95.086424
15-059-22344 COUGHENOUR 4-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.691997-95.086404
15-059-22345 COUGHENOUR 5-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.694550-95.087616
15-059-22346 COUGHENOUR 6-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.689430-95.086838
15-059-22347 COUGHENOUR 7-81-(1) Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.690336-95.086848
15-059-22348 COUGHENOUR 8-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.694550-95.087616
15-059-22405 COUGHENOUR 9-81 Plugged and AbandonedFranklin County, KS38.694454-95.089762
15-045-20181 DUAYNE MADL 1-80 Plugged and AbandonedDouglas County, KS38.762664-95.148255
15-045-20184 DUAYNE MADL 1-81 Plugged and AbandonedDouglas County, KS38.762100-95.147756
15-045-20182 DUAYNE MADL 2-80 Plugged and AbandonedDouglas County, KS38.760426-95.148276
15-045-20185 DUAYNE MADL 2-81 Plugged and AbandonedDouglas County, KS38.760950-95.147686
15-045-20183 Duayne Madl 3-80 Plugged and AbandonedDouglas County, KS38.761546-95.148266
15-045-20186 DUAYNE MADL 3-81 Plugged and AbandonedDouglas County, KS38.760503-95.145706
15-045-20192 DUAYNE MADL 6-81 Plugged and AbandonedDouglas County, KS38.762542-95.146738
15-045-20334 DUAYNE MADL W1-82 Plugged and AbandonedDouglas County, KS38.760472-95.147010
15-045-20333 DUAYNE MADL W2-82 Plugged and AbandonedDouglas County, KS38.761541-95.146961
15-121-91081 EBECK-GUGLE 1-INJ Plugged and AbandonedMiami County, KS38.665683-95.041800

Leases Operated by Captain'S Oil Inc

Lease #Lease NameCounty
1001129063 CLAYTON Franklin County, KS
1001107549 GUGLE Miami County, KS
1001136136 MADL Douglas County, KS
1004937253 MARTINEZ Miami County, KS
1001175678 PEARSON Douglas County, KS
1001106677 ROGERS Miami County, KS
1001132325 SOETAERT Franklin County, KS

Properties Operated by Captain'S Oil Inc

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
CAYOTMiami County, KSOct 2024472 BBLsJan 1980 - Nov 202478
CLAYTONFranklin County, KS0 BBLsMay 1981 - Sep 20001
COUGHENOURFranklin County, KSOct 2024164 BBLsFeb 1980 - Nov 202410
JOHNSONMiami County, KSOct 202454 BBLsJan 1980 - Oct 202459
MCHALEMiami County, KS0 BBLsJan 1980 - Nov 19983
PEARSONFranklin County, KSOct 2024160 BBLsJan 1980 - Oct 202422
ROGERSMiami County, KS0 BBLsJan 1980 - Sep 200313
SCHENDELMiami County, KSOct 2024287 BBLsJan 1980 - Nov 202434

Recent Permits Filed by Captain'S Oil Inc

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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