Canyon E & P Company

Oil Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Canyon E & P Company. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateNM
Production DatesOct 2010 - Oct 2013
Total Oil Production23,382 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Canyon E & P Company Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Canyon E & P Company
from Oct 2010 to Oct 2013

Wells Operated by Canyon E & P Company

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
30-041-20787 ARCHER 001 Plugged (not released)Roosevelt County, NM33.706287-103.489121
30-041-20798 ARCHER 002 Plugged (not released)Roosevelt County, NM33.707180-103.492615
30-025-09721 ARNOTT RAMSEY 001 Plugged (not released)Lea County, NM32.153870-103.229485
30-015-00940 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 001 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.737293-104.231072
30-015-00939 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 002 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.733662-104.231056
30-015-00938 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 003 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.733624-104.226761
30-015-01944 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 004 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.733601-104.222466
30-015-00945 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 005 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.730141-104.237419
30-015-00941 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 006 PluggedEddy County, NM32.730091-104.233124
30-015-01197 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 007 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.730042-104.228890
30-015-00944 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 008 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.731831-104.226753
30-015-01943 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 010 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.731808-104.222458
30-015-01940 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 011 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.730015-104.220306
30-015-01964 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 012 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.730057-104.216011
30-015-01951 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 013 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.731895-104.213692
30-015-01947 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 014 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.730091-104.212631
30-015-01954 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 015 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.730125-104.209412
30-015-00942 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 016 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.726509-104.237419
30-015-00947 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 017 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.726486-104.235268
30-015-00946 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 018 PluggedEddy County, NM32.726463-104.233124
30-015-01195 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 019 PluggedEddy County, NM32.726414-104.228874
30-015-01196 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 020 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.726364-104.224579
30-015-01942 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 021 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.726383-104.220223
30-015-01965 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 022 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.728233-104.216934
30-015-01941 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 023 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.726433-104.215668
30-015-01949 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 024 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.727360-104.213715
30-015-01946 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 025 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.727379-104.211563
30-015-00962 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 026 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.724743-104.241737
30-015-00951 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 027 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.722881-104.237488
30-015-01194 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 029 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.722782-104.228859
30-015-01193 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 030 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.722736-104.224564
30-015-02139 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 031 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.724571-104.220276
30-015-02140 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 032 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.724468-104.216637
30-015-02132 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 033 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.724636-104.213715
30-015-06127 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 034 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.724659-104.211571
30-015-00963 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 035 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.721115-104.241829
30-015-00952 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 036 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.719254-104.237587
30-015-00950 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 038 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.719204-104.233292
30-015-00948 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 039 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.719177-104.230988
30-015-00954 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 040 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.719132-104.226692
30-015-02136 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 041 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.720921-104.222412
30-015-02138 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 042 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.720985-104.215973
30-015-02142 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 043 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.721008-104.213699
30-015-01190 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 044 PluggedEddy County, NM32.715721-104.241974
30-015-00959 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 045 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.716587-104.238731
30-015-00953 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 046 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.715641-104.235535
30-015-00955 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 047 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.717381-104.229904
30-015-00958 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 048 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.716419-104.225609
30-015-02141 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 049 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.717377-104.215950
30-015-01191 ARTESIA METEX UNIT 050 Plugged (not released)Eddy County, NM32.714142-104.246018

Leases Operated by Canyon E & P Company

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
307995 ARCHER Roosevelt County, NM
308667 ARNOTT RAMSEY Lea County, NM
308407 ARTESIA METEX UNIT Eddy County, NM
308669 BARKNEHT Chaves County, NM
308670 BAUM STATE Lea County, NM
307996 BROWN 51 Lea County, NM
308671 DOUBLE L QUEEN UNIT Chaves County, NM
308672 ELIZABETH Chaves County, NM
308673 ELIZABETH C Chaves County, NM
308675 GRAVES Chaves County, NM
308677 JAMESON Lea County, NM
308678 KUCHEMANN Chaves County, NM
307999 LINE STATE Roosevelt County, NM
308679 MARLISUE QUEEN UNIT Chaves County, NM
308680 MCDERMOTT Chaves County, NM
308681 NANCY Chaves County, NM
308683 O'BRIEN DEMING 13 Chaves County, NM
308684 O'BRIEN DEMING 6 Chaves County, NM
308685 O'BRIEN FEE 18 Chaves County, NM
308686 O'BRIEN FEE 19 Chaves County, NM
308687 O'BRIEN FEE 24 Chaves County, NM
308688 O'BRIEN FEE 25 Chaves County, NM
308689 O'BRIEN LIGHTCAP 7 Chaves County, NM
308690 O'BRIEN LLL Chaves County, NM
308691 O'BRIEN P Chaves County, NM
308692 O'BRIEN R Chaves County, NM
308693 QUARRY Lea County, NM
308694 ROCKET Lea County, NM
308695 SEANNA Chaves County, NM
308696 SHUG A Eddy County, NM
308000 SIEBER Roosevelt County, NM
308001 STATE BA Roosevelt County, NM
308698 UNION HAPPY Chaves County, NM
308699 WHITNEY , NM

Properties Operated by Canyon E & P Company

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
ARCHERRoosevelt County, NMDec 202480 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Dec 20243
ARNOTT RAMSEYLea County, NMDec 20240 BBLs313 MCFJan 1993 - Dec 20247
ARTESIA METEX UNITEddy County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - May 201366
BAUM STATELea County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Sep 20183
BROWNLea County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Sep 20237
DOUBLE L QUEEN UChaves County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - May 201351
ELIZABETHChaves County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Feb 20075
KUCHEMANNChaves County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Jul 20115
MARLISUE QUEEN UNITChaves County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFMar 1993 - Feb 200712
OBRIENChaves County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Aug 200929
SEANNAChaves County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Feb 20073
SIEBERRoosevelt County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Feb 20132
TWIN LAKES SAN ANDRES UNITChaves County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Jan 2020130
UNIONChaves County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Feb 20072

Recent Permits Filed by Canyon E & P Company

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Canyon E & P Company

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Canyon E & P Company. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
4925 GREENVILLE AVE SUITE 900, DALLAS, TX 75206(214) 265-7101