Biya Operators Inc

Oil Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Biya Operators Inc. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateNM
Production DatesMar 2003 - Apr 2019
Total Oil Production220,491 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Biya Operators Inc Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Biya Operators Inc
from Mar 2003 to Apr 2019

Wells Operated by Biya Operators Inc

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
30-045-13164 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 146 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.881313-108.523781
30-045-13172 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 151 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.877411-108.514694
30-045-10403 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 153 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.873833-108.528221
30-045-13165 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 155 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.874229-108.518997
30-045-13173 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 157 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.873894-108.510109
30-045-10320 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 158 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.869549-108.536514
30-045-10333 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 159 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.870190-108.532723
30-045-10336 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 161 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.870148-108.523705
30-045-13168 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 163 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.869648-108.514351
30-045-10278 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 166 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.865677-108.536583
30-045-10303 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 168 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.866547-108.528214
30-045-10286 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 170 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.865707-108.520065
30-045-13167 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 172 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.866520-108.510429
30-045-10306 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 174 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.866287-108.501427
30-045-10246 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 176 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.866276-108.491859
30-045-10237 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 177 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.862984-108.532272
30-045-10220 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 179 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.861996-108.522575
30-045-10214 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 181 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.861992-108.514938
30-045-13177 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 183 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.863129-108.506500
30-045-10211 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 185 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.862900-108.496643
30-045-10204 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 187 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.859341-108.536713
30-045-10206 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 189 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.859303-108.528206
30-045-10195 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 191 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.858627-108.519188
30-045-10209 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 193 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.859272-108.510170
30-045-10215 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 195 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.859467-108.501152
30-045-13179 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 197 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.859280-108.492119
30-045-10138 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 198 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.855717-108.532715
30-045-10141 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 200 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.855701-108.523697
30-045-10128 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 202 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.855476-108.514992
30-045-60053 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 204 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.855698-108.505653
30-045-10100 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 208 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.852074-108.536804
30-045-10084 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 209 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.851185-108.531586
30-045-10082 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 210 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.851181-108.529327
30-045-10112 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 214 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.852844-108.510399
30-045-10104 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 216 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.852081-108.501320
30-045-10051 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 218 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.852112-108.483086
30-045-21505 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 282 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.873886-108.535492
30-045-21503 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT 284 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.857346-108.502396
30-045-10163 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT W 004 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.856823-108.518921
30-045-21595 INDIAN 003 PluggedSan Juan County, NM36.842186-108.486420
30-045-09949 NA DZIS PAH 001 PluggedSan Juan County, NM36.844849-108.474915
30-045-10016 NA DZIS PAH 002 PluggedSan Juan County, NM36.848473-108.475037
30-045-09889 STATE SENATE 002 PluggedSan Juan County, NM36.841309-108.479073
30-045-10448 UTE 001 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.881107-108.500618
30-045-10463 UTE 002 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.881027-108.492134
30-045-10581 UTE 003 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.884647-108.502289
30-045-10836 UTE INDIAN 002 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.910019-108.348396
30-045-10380 UTE MTN B 001 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.876305-108.438568
30-045-10346 UTE MTN B 002 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.873779-108.443085
30-045-10143 UTE MTN B 004 ActiveSan Juan County, NM36.859280-108.443070

Leases Operated by Biya Operators Inc

Lease #Lease NameCounty
39986 HORSESHOE GALLUP San Juan County, NM
305250 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT San Juan County, NM
305249 HORSESHOE GALLUP UNIT W San Juan County, NM
309579 INDIAN San Juan County, NM
309583 NA DZIS PAH San Juan County, NM
309580 STATE SENATE San Juan County, NM
306799 UTE San Juan County, NM
301453 UTE INDIAN San Juan County, NM
303168 UTE MTN B San Juan County, NM
309581 WESTWATER FEDERAL San Juan County, NM

Properties Operated by Biya Operators Inc

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
HORSESHOE GALLUPSan Juan County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Apr 2019193
UTE 00San Juan County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Apr 20193
UTE INDIANSan Juan County, NMDec 202410 BBLs33 MCFJan 1993 - Dec 20247
UTE MTN BSan Juan County, NM0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1993 - Apr 20199

Recent Permits Filed by Biya Operators Inc

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Biya Operators Inc

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Biya Operators Inc. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
P.O. Box 370, Littleton, CO 80160(303) 797-5417