Big Basin Petroleum LLC

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Big Basin Petroleum LLC. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateWY
Production DatesJan 1998 - Oct 2008
Total Oil Production323,046 BBLs
Total Gas Production3,678,226 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Big Basin Petroleum LLC Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Big Basin Petroleum LLC
from Jan 1998 to Oct 2008

Wells Operated by Big Basin Petroleum LLC

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
49-005-48583 BC 11-29LA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.631310-105.669080
49-005-48581 BC 11-29P Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.631360-105.669040
49-005-48584 BC 11-29UA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.631340-105.669060
49-005-48582 BC 11-29W Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.631360-105.669000
49-005-48652 BC 11-30 LA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.631110-105.689110
49-005-48663 BC 11-30 P Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.631040-105.688900
49-005-48646 BC 11-30 UA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.631140-105.689220
49-005-48640 BC 11-30 W Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.631080-105.689000
49-005-48653 BC 13-29 LA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.627000-105.674220
49-005-48664 BC 13-29 P Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.627090-105.674190
49-005-48658 BC 13-29 S Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.627100-105.674390
49-005-48647 BC 13-29 UA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.627050-105.674310
49-005-48641 BC 13-29 W Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.626950-105.674140
49-005-48655 BC 13-30 LA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.626930-105.694140
49-005-48666 BC 13-30 P Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.626790-105.693990
49-005-48649 BC 13-30 UA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.626990-105.694210
49-005-48643 BC 13-30 W Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.626860-105.694060
49-005-48660 BC 13-30S Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.627040-105.694290
49-005-48650 BC 15-25 LA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.626900-105.704110
49-005-48661 BC 15-25 P Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.627020-105.704260
49-005-48656 BC 15-25 S Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.626760-105.703960
49-005-48644 BC 15-25 UA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.626830-105.704040
49-005-48638 BC 15-25 W Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.626960-105.704190
49-005-48587 BC 5-30LA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.634630-105.693940
49-005-48585 BC 5-30P Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.634680-105.693940
49-005-48589 BC 5-30S Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.634780-105.693940
49-005-48588 BC 5-30UA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.634580-105.693940
49-005-48586 BC 5-30W Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.634720-105.693940
49-005-48654 BC 5-32 LA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.620330-105.673700
49-005-48665 BC 5-32 P Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.620430-105.673880
49-005-48648 BC 5-32 UA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.620270-105.673610
49-005-48642 BC 5-32 W Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.620380-105.673780
49-005-48659 BC 5-32S Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.620220-105.673510
49-005-48739 BC 6-32CA Campbell County, WY44.620060-105.668690
49-005-48740 BC 6-32CO Campbell County, WY44.620180-105.668850
49-005-48738 BC 6-32LA Campbell County, WY44.620000-105.668620
49-005-48737 BC 6-32P Campbell County, WY44.619890-105.668460
49-005-48735 BC 6-32S Campbell County, WY44.620240-105.668940
49-005-48736 BC 6-32UA Campbell County, WY44.620120-105.668770
49-005-48741 BC 6-32W Campbell County, WY44.619940-105.668540
49-005-48651 BC 9-25 LA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.630910-105.699120
49-005-48662 BC 9-25 P Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.630920-105.698890
49-005-48657 BC 9-25 S Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.630910-105.699350
49-005-48645 BC 9-25 UA Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.630910-105.699230
49-005-48639 BC 9-25 W Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.630920-105.699000
49-005-43643 BC CANYON 13-5 Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.598600-105.673930
49-005-49680 CABALLO 32-32-5072 Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.270280-105.538890
49-005-49679 CABALLO 42-32-5072 Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.270560-105.531390
49-005-42975 CANYON BC 3-5 Expired PermitCampbell County, WY44.609080-105.668880
49-045-10027 MOHAWK W-022759F 1 Shut - InWeston County, WY44.118580-104.993240

Properties Operated by Big Basin Petroleum LLC

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
BC 11Campbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJan 2002 - Apr 201512
BC 13Campbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJan 2002 - Apr 201511
BC 15Campbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFDec 2002 - Aug 20132
CABALLOCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJan 2003 - Jul 20114
COSNERCampbell County, WYJan 20256,934 BBLs13,806 MCFJan 1978 - Feb 202572
LONE CEDARCampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFAug 1984 - Jan 20167
MOHAWKWeston County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1978 - May 20172
ROURKECampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1978 - Aug 2022116
STONEPILECampbell County, WY0 BBLs0 MCFAug 2000 - Mar 201215

Recent Permits Filed by Big Basin Petroleum LLC

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Big Basin Petroleum LLC. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
P O BOX 1581, GILLETTE, WY 82717(307) 685-4210