Argali Resources

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Argali Resources. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StatesKS, OK, TX
Production DatesJan 1980 - Apr 2003
Total Oil Production17,655 BBLs
Total Gas Production17,114 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Argali Resources Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Argali Resources
from Jan 1980 to Apr 2003

Wells Operated by Argali Resources

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
ARNOLD BACHMAN 16 KS37.023644-95.781486
ARNOLD BACHMAN 9 KS37.106777-95.783996
ARNOLD BACHMAN W-6 KS37.024523-95.780349
ARNOLD BACHMAN W-7 KS37.024523-95.780349
BACHMAN 17 KS37.020933-95.780364
35-105-23696 BEAN-EDGAR 1 Nowata County, OK36.782887-95.609920
35-105-25064 BEAN-EDGAR 2 Nowata County, OK36.785614-95.613300
35-105-27317 BECK 4 Nowata County, OK36.993722-95.774111
35-105-27318 BECK 5 Nowata County, OK36.991750-95.774111
35-105-23695 BENJAMIN L HART 2 Nowata County, OK36.786520-95.624010
35-105-20684 BENJAMIN L HART RD-1 Nowata County, OK
35-147-24624 BILLY CLYDE W-11 Washington County, OK36.906111-95.846972
35-147-24283 BILLY CLYDE W1 Washington County, OK36.907778-95.849167
35-147-24977 BOAT LOVE W-1 Washington County, OK36.886306-95.938500
35-147-24979 BOAT LOVE W-3 Washington County, OK36.884778-95.938583
35-147-24980 BOAT LOVE W-4 Washington County, OK36.884861-95.936528
35-147-24259 BROCK 1 PLUGGED & ABANDONEDWashington County, OK
35-147-24232 BROCK 2 Washington County, OK36.920417-95.864000
CARNES NORTH W-3 KS37.022606-95.754339
35-147-23861 CENTURY /A/ A2 Washington County, OK36.909333-95.846833
35-147-23862 CENTURY /B/ B-1 Washington County, OK36.908583-95.848306
35-147-23863 CENTURY /B/ B-2 Washington County, OK36.908889-95.846861
35-147-24052 CENTURY /C/ C1 Washington County, OK36.911806-95.848583
35-147-24053 CENTURY /C/ C2 Washington County, OK36.911639-95.846167
35-147-24306 CENTURY A A-3 Washington County, OK36.909583-95.849444
35-147-23860 CENTURY A A1 Washington County, OK36.909667-95.848194
35-147-24233 CENTURY B3 Washington County, OK36.908194-95.847306
35-147-24442 CENTURY C (YATES 3) C-9 Washington County, OK36.910722-95.847611
35-147-24627 CENTURY C 12 Washington County, OK36.912556-95.845944
35-147-24152 CENTURY C 2 Washington County, OK36.910667-95.846111
35-147-24271 CENTURY C 5 Washington County, OK36.911194-95.847667
35-147-24272 CENTURY C 6 Washington County, OK36.910250-95.848583
35-147-24395 CENTURY C C-7 Washington County, OK36.910917-95.847500
35-147-24405 CENTURY C C-8 Washington County, OK36.911806-95.846194
35-147-24443 CLYDE BILLY W-9 Washington County, OK36.905944-95.847889
35-147-24693 DUNHILL 1 Washington County, OK36.881222-95.949167
35-147-24694 DUNHILL 2 Washington County, OK36.881278-95.948111
35-147-24724 DUNHILL 3 Washington County, OK36.881583-95.945972
35-147-24695 DUNHILL 4 Washington County, OK36.880500-95.949222
35-147-24696 DUNHILL 5 Washington County, OK36.880417-95.948111
35-147-24697 DUNHILL 7 Washington County, OK36.880556-95.944833
35-147-24229 EAST CENTURY 2 Washington County, OK36.906400-95.844230
35-147-24228 EAST CENTURY W-1 Washington County, OK36.908212-95.844230
35-147-24270 EAST CENTURY W2 Washington County, OK36.907306-95.843100
35-105-20566 GLASS-HARMON RD-1 Nowata County, OK36.792861-95.583194
35-105-26610 GLASS-NEWCOMB 2 Nowata County, OK36.795583-95.581889
35-105-20682 GLASS-NEWCOMB RD-1 Nowata County, OK36.796389-95.580583
35-105-23558 HESTER 1 Nowata County, OK36.765750-95.557111
35-105-23559 HESTER 2 Nowata County, OK36.765056-95.553972
35-105-23765 HESTER 3 Nowata County, OK36.765083-95.554167

Leases Operated by Argali Resources

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
147-081862-2-0000 BARNES LSE #1,2,3,4,5,6 Washington County, OK
1001109125 BARNETT Cowley County, KS
105-065717-0-0000 BEAN-EDGAR Nowata County, OK
105-088224-0-0000 BECK LEASE#1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Nowata County, OK
105-050356-0-0000 BENJAMIN L HART Nowata County, OK
147-064978-0-0000 BERT LUCAS #250 Washington County, OK
147-079439-2-0000 BILLY CLYDE Washington County, OK
147-056753-1-0000 CLARK LUCAS 1,2,3,4,5,6 Washington County, OK
147-056466-0-0000 DUNHILL #1,2,3,4,5,6 Washington County, OK
147-080798-0-0000 EAST CENTURY LEASE Washington County, OK
147-078478-0-0000 FOSTER 5-E, 6-E Washington County, OK
147-082456-0-0000 HAWKEYE #1,2,3 Washington County, OK
147-081862-1-0000 HONEY HOLE #1,2,3 Washington County, OK
147-081767-0-0000 JETER LUCAS 1 & 2 Washington County, OK
147-081861-0-0000 JETER-LUCAS 3 & 4 Washington County, OK
105-012747-0-0000 K BERENTZ LEASE Nowata County, OK
147-078487-0-0000 LUCAS "B" WELL #1 & #2 Washington County, OK
147-078488-0-0000 LUCAS "C" 1 & 2 Washington County, OK
147-080324-2-0000 LUCAS "D" #1 Washington County, OK
147-079438-0-0000 LUCAS "F" Washington County, OK
147-081896-0-0000 LUCAS "G" Washington County, OK
147-081431-0-0000 LUCAS "K" - 4 Washington County, OK
147-080323-0-0000 LUCAS I Washington County, OK
147-080324-0-0000 LUCAS K-1 Washington County, OK
147-078487-1-0000 MAVERICK #1,2,3 Washington County, OK
105-066982-0-0000 MORTON Nowata County, OK
147-078486-0-0000 MUCLAS A #1, #2 Washington County, OK
105-080515-0-0000 RHEES Nowata County, OK
147-081862-0-0000 RYAN Washington County, OK
147-083678-0-0000 SCHELLACK PROSPECT Washington County, OK
105-072079-0-0000 THOMAS Nowata County, OK
147-082187-0-0000 WEST DUNBAR#1,2,3,4 Washington County, OK
147-056466-1-0000 WEST DUNHILL Washington County, OK
147-078444-0-0000 WEST THOMAS #4, #7 Washington County, OK

Properties Operated by Argali Resources

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
BACHMANMontgomery County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFFeb 1980 - Jul 19976
CARNESMontgomery County, KSOct 202494 BBLs727 MCFDec 1984 - Nov 20245
GLASS-HARMONNowata County, OKDec 2024154 BBLs0 MCFJul 1990 - Dec 20242
LUCASWashington County, OK0 BBLs0 MCFJul 1990 - May 20189
MILDRED-PAXTONNowata County, OKDec 2024153 BBLs0 MCFJul 1990 - Jan 20251
SHUEChautauqua County, KS0 BBLs0 MCFSep 1983 - Jun 19872

Recent Permits Filed by Argali Resources

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Argali Resources

Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Argali Resources. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
5646 MILTON ST SUITE 731 DALLAS, TX 75206(214) 361-1680
8222 DOUGLAS AVE S-680, DALLAS, TX 75225(214) 361-1680