Anadarko Petrole

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Anadarko Petrole. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateKS
Production DatesJan 1980 - Dec 1996
Total Oil Production4,437,488 BBLs
Total Gas Production33,085,692 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Anadarko Petrole Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Anadarko Petrole
from Jan 1980 to Dec 1996

Wells Operated by Anadarko Petrole

API #Well NameStatusCountyLatitudeLongitude
No Wells Associated with Anadarko Petrole

Leases Operated by Anadarko Petrole

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
1001120164 ADAMS 'D' & 'E' Meade County, KS
1001149700 ALFORD Kiowa County, KS
1001147864 B&B ROYALTY Seward County, KS
1001174637 BARNHARDT 1 Seward County, KS
1001145507 BEAVERS 'B' 2 Stevens County, KS
1001145067 BERGHAUS 'A' 1 Meade County, KS
1001145508 BROLLIER 'C' 2 Grant County, KS
1001148038 BROWN I Morton County, KS
1001147013 BURKHALL 'A' 1 Comanche County, KS
1001149186 CHANDLEY Morton County, KS
1001148457 CLARK C Seward County, KS
1001120519 CONDIT UNIT Seward County, KS
1001131921 COSGROVE Seward County, KS
1001145951 COSGROVE 'A' 1 Seward County, KS
1001124946 DAVIS Stevens County, KS
1001139290 DEMUTH 'B' Stevens County, KS
1001118904 DILLINGER 'A' Comanche County, KS
1001143726 DILLINGER 'A' 2 Comanche County, KS
1001143725 DOIG 'A' 2 Comanche County, KS
1001149211 DUNKLE 'A' 2 Morton County, KS
1001145981 ETZOLD Seward County, KS
1001138569 ETZOLD UT SOUTH 4-1 Seward County, KS
1001126826 F. GUTTRIDGE 2 Seward County, KS
1001143693 FINCHAM Seward County, KS
1001143704 GILMORE 'B' 1 Seward County, KS
1001145646 GODDARD 'A' Morton County, KS
1001132300 GODDARD 'A' Morton County, KS
1001119105 GOWENS 'A' 1 Meade County, KS
1001143727 GRIFFITH 'B' 1 & 2 Comanche County, KS
1001145979 GUTTRIDGE 'B' 1 Seward County, KS
1001125252 GUTTRIDGE 'C' Seward County, KS
1001126246 GUYER Stevens County, KS
1001145105 HAYTER 'A' Harper County, KS
1001127716 HITCH Seward County, KS
1001149909 HITCH 'G' Seward County, KS
1001128094 HITCH 'G' Seward County, KS
1001162760 HUMBLE Morton County, KS
1001145015 HUMBLE 'A' 5 Morton County, KS
1001147227 INTERSTATE 'B' 6 Morton County, KS
1001162763 INTERSTATE 'C' Morton County, KS
1001162761 INTERSTATE A Morton County, KS
1001150743 JOHNS Morton County, KS
1001140305 JOHNS Morton County, KS
1001139289 KELLY Stevens County, KS
1001147656 KOCH Seward County, KS
1001143732 KOCH Seward County, KS
1001132526 KOCH 'A' Seward County, KS
1022197700 LAHEY 1 Stevens County, KS
1001135931 LANDRUM Morton County, KS
1022197694 LEEPER 1-21 Morton County, KS

Properties Operated by Anadarko Petrole

No Properties Associated with Anadarko Petrole

Recent Permits Filed by Anadarko Petrole

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Anadarko Petrole