Oil Property in Kenai Offshore, AK
Key data points for Tyonek St
Counties | Tyonek Quadrangle, AK Kenai Offshore, AK |
Production Dates | Jul 1965 - Dec 1965 |
Total Oil Production | 1,688 BBLs |
Total Gas Production | 0 MCF |
Recent Oil Production | No Recent Prod. |
Recent Gas Production | No Recent Prod. |
Wells on Property | 5 |
Our Valuation Estimates for Tyonek St
$1,897,561 *
$4,253,375 **
* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue
Based on a decimal interest
These are the closest 4 properties to the Tyonek St property.
Property Name | Location | Oil Prod. | Gas Prod. | Prod. Period |
Albert Kaloa | Tyonek Quadrangle, AK | 0 BBLs | 0 MCF | Jan 1971 |
Granite P | Kenai Offshore, AK | 59,472 BBLs | 88,424 MCF | Dec 2024 |
Kaloa | Tyonek Quadrangle, AK | 0 BBLs | 0 MCF | Apr 2017 |
Moquawkie | Tyonek Quadrangle, AK | 0 BBLs | 0 MCF | May 2017 |
These are the closest 5 companies operating near the Tyonek St property.
Company Name |
Amoco Production Co. |
Aurora Gas LLC. |
Hilcorp Alaska, LLC |
Mobil Oil Corporation |
Union Oil Co Of California |