
Oil & Gas Property in Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK

Property Summary

Key data points for Gmtu

CountyHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
Production DatesNov 2021 - Dec 2024
Total Oil Production15,819,119 BBLs
Total Gas Production72,079,128 MCF
Recent Oil Production450,301 BBLs in Nov 2024
Recent Gas Production2,245,173 MCF in Nov 2024
Wells on Property32

Our Valuation Estimates for Gmtu


Not Available


$56,710,225 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Gmtu Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Gmtu
from Nov 2021 to Dec 2024

Wells on Gmtu

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
50-103-20829GMTU MT7-04ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Alt Gas InjectionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173237-151.690735
50-103-20830GMTU MT7-03ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Plugged & AbandonedHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173264-151.690590
50-103-20830GMTU MT7-03AConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Alt Gas InjectionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173253-151.690622
50-103-20831GMTU MT7-06AConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173188-151.691016
50-103-20831GMTU MT7-06ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Plugged & AbandonedHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173188-151.691016
50-103-20832GMTU MT7-01PB1ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Plugged & AbandonedHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173316-151.690309
50-103-20832GMTU MT7-01ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173316-151.690309
50-103-20833GMTU MT7-05ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173212-151.690871
50-103-20834GMTU MT7-96ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173420-151.689746
50-103-20837GMTU MT7-09ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173109-151.691442
50-103-20840GMTU MT7-02ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173291-151.690454
50-103-20841GMTU MT7-07ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Injection, Single CompletHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173158-151.691161
50-103-20843GMTU MT7-98ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Alt Gas InjectionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173368-151.690027
50-103-20845GMTU MT7-99ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Alt Gas InjectionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173343-151.690164
50-103-20846GMTU MT7-08ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Alt Gas InjectionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173136-151.691297
50-103-20846GMTU MT7-08PB1ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Plugged & AbandonedHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173136-151.691297
50-103-20849GMTU MT7-97ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173395-151.689883
50-103-20850GMTU MT7-11ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Alt Gas InjectionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173054-151.691723
50-103-20852GMTU MT7-10ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.UnknownHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173084-151.691579
50-103-20854GMTU MT7-95ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173447-151.689602
50-103-20856GMTU MT7-14ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Plugged & AbandonedHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.172967-151.692182
50-103-20856GMTU MT7-14AConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Alt Gas InjectionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.172967-151.692173
50-103-20858GMTU MT7-94ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Alt Gas InjectionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173474-151.689480
50-103-20866GMTU MT7-93ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173502-151.689312
50-103-20872GMTU MT7-92ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173526-151.689176
50-103-20881GMTU MT7-91ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Alt Gas InjectionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173554-151.689039
50-103-20885GMTU MT7-15ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Water Injection, Single CompletHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.172953-151.692286
50-103-20889GMTU MT7-89PB1ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Plugged & AbandonedHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173605-151.688750
50-103-20889GMTU MT7-89ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173605-151.688750
50-103-20891GMTU MT7-83ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173761-151.687906
50-103-20891GMTU MT7-83PH1ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Plugged & AbandonedHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173761-151.687906
50-103-20893GMTU MT7-88ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Oil Well, Single CompletionHarrison Bay Quadrangle, AK70.173630-151.688613

Leases included in Gmtu

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
AA00081736GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA00081781GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA00081784GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA00081800GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA00081803GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA00081805GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA00081871GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA0081780GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA0081781GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA0081784GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA0081799GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA0081800GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA0081803GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA0092341GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA0098885GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA081736GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA081781GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA081784GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA081800GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA081803GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA092341GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AA098885GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AKAA081781GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AKAA081800GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK
AKAA081803GMTUConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.Harrison Bay Quadrangle, AK

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Companies in the Area

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Frac'ing activity on Gmtu

API #Well NameStart DateEnd DateVertical DepthTotal Water Volume