Prudhoe Bay

Oil & Gas Property in Beechey Point Quadrangle, AK

Property Summary

Key data points for Prudhoe Bay

CountyBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
Production DatesApr 1970 - Jan 2025
Total Oil Production239,681,914 BBLs
Total Gas Production2,071,109,084 MCF
Recent Oil Production162,754 BBLs in Dec 2024
Recent Gas Production5,682,994 MCF in Dec 2024
Wells on Property86

Our Valuation Estimates for Prudhoe Bay


Not Available


$37,198,920 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Prudhoe Bay Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
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to oil and gas production for Prudhoe Bay
from Apr 1970 to Jan 2025

Wells on Prudhoe Bay

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
50-029-20001PRUDHOE BAY ST 1ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.323382-148.542248
50-029-20264PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM 01Gulf Oil CorporationPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390858-148.580622
50-029-20264PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM 02Gulf Oil CorporationPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390858-148.580622
50-029-20406PRUDHOE BAY UNIT TW-ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.354650-148.593466
50-029-20998PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-01Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339199-148.609490
50-029-21006PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-02BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338912-148.609236
50-029-21011PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-03APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338921-148.609244
50-029-21011PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-03BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338921-148.609244
50-029-21011PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-03BPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338921-148.609244
50-029-21011PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-03BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338921-148.609244
50-029-21011PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-03APB2BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338921-148.609244
50-029-21011PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-03ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338921-148.609244
50-029-21014PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-02ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338623-148.608974
50-029-21014PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-02CBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338623-148.608974
50-029-21014PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-02DPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338623-148.608974
50-029-21014PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-02BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338623-148.608974
50-029-21014PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-02DHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338623-148.608974
50-029-21023PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-04CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338336-148.608720
50-029-21023PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-04BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338336-148.608720
50-029-21023PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-04CPB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338336-148.608720
50-029-21023PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-04APB2BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338336-148.608720
50-029-21023PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-04BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338336-148.608720
50-029-21023PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-04CPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338336-148.608720
50-029-21023PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-04APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338336-148.608720
50-029-21023PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-04ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338336-148.608720
50-029-21023PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-04APB3BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338336-148.608720
50-029-21752PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-14AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338426-148.608818
50-029-21752PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-14BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338426-148.608818
50-029-21757PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-13BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338713-148.609064
50-029-21759PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-12CPB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339011-148.609334
50-029-21759PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-12DHilcorp North Slope, LLCUnknownBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339011-148.609334
50-029-21759PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-12ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339011-148.609341
50-029-21759PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-12DPB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339011-148.609334
50-029-21759PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-12CPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339011-148.609334
50-029-21759PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-12CHilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339011-148.609334
50-029-21759PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-12DPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339011-148.609334
50-029-21759PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-12BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339011-148.609341
50-029-21759PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-12APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339011-148.609341
50-029-21759PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-12BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339011-148.609334
50-029-21779PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM 03DPBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390803-148.581028
50-029-21779PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-02AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390803-148.581028
50-029-21779PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-02BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390803-148.581028
50-029-21912PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-03Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390921-148.581249
50-029-21937PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-25Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.375937-148.534786
50-029-21996PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-07BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390869-148.581704
50-029-21996PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-07AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390869-148.581704
50-029-22018PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-01Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.391082-148.579858
50-029-22134PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-12Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390798-148.582298
50-029-22146PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM 12Hilcorp North Slope, LLCSuspended WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390623-148.583802
50-029-22284PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-11Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390812-148.582184
50-029-22288PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-20L1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390691-148.583216
50-029-22288PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-20Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390691-148.583216
50-029-22298PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-G1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCGas Injection, Single CompletioBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390301-148.579080
50-029-22338PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-14Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390771-148.582525
50-029-22349PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-16Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390746-148.582761
50-029-22358PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-17AHilcorp North Slope, LLCUnknownBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390732-148.582875
50-029-22358PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-17Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390732-148.582875
50-029-22363PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-21Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390678-148.583338
50-029-22366PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-04Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390907-148.581387
50-029-22372PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-13Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390787-148.582411
50-029-22378PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-05Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390893-148.581501
50-029-22384PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-08AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390852-148.581834
50-029-22384PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-08BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390852-148.581834
50-029-22384PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-08PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390852-148.581834
50-029-22430PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-16AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338817-148.609154
50-029-22430PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-16AL2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338817-148.609154
50-029-22430PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-16BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338807-148.609161
50-029-22430PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-16AL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338817-148.609154
50-029-22555PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-20BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338104-148.608524
50-029-22555PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-20PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338104-148.608524
50-029-22690PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-23Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390653-148.583566
50-029-22690PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-23L1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390653-148.583566
50-029-22695PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-06AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390880-148.581606
50-029-22695PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-06Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390880-148.581606
50-029-22698PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-10XXARCO Alaska Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390825-148.582070
50-029-22703PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-24L1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390637-148.583680
50-029-22703PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-24Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390637-148.583680
50-029-22703PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-24L1-01Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390637-148.583680
50-029-22704PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-09Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390839-148.581948
50-029-22953PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-18AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390719-148.582989
50-029-22953PRUDHOE BAY UN PTM P1-18BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390719-148.582997
50-029-23511PRUDHOE BAY UNIT K-21Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338525-148.608908
50-029-23533PRUDHOE BAY UN MDS P1-122PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390664-148.583452
50-029-23533PRUDHOE BAY UN MDS P1-122Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.390664-148.583452
50-029-23664PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS K-333XXHilcorp North Slope, LLCPermit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.339112-148.609416
50-029-23672PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS K-322XXHilcorp North Slope, LLCPermit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.338247-148.608679

Leases included in Prudhoe Bay

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
ADL0028297PRUDHOE BAY UN PTMBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Beechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028298PRUDHOE BAY UN PTMHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028303PRUDHOE BAY STARCO Alaska Inc.Beechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0034622PRUDHOE BAY UN PTMGulf Oil CorporationBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL028303PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0389944PRUDHOE BAY UN PTMHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0392146PRUDHOE BAY UN MDSHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK

Nearby Properties

These are the closest 2 properties to the Prudhoe Bay property.

Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
Prudhoe Bay UnBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK975,819 BBLs64,043,823 MCFJan 2025
Prudhoe Bay UnitBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK141,167 BBLs13,789,654 MCFJan 2025

Companies in the Area

These are the closest 5 companies operating near the Prudhoe Bay property.

Company Name
Arco Alaska Inc.
BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.
Hilcorp North Slope, LLC
Sohio Alaska Petroleum Company
Standard Alaska Production Company

Frac'ing activity on Prudhoe Bay

API #Well NameStart DateEnd DateVertical DepthTotal Water Volume
50-029-22372P1 13
50-029-22384P1 08A