Prudhoe Bay Unit

Oil & Gas Property in Beechey Point Quadrangle, AK

Property Summary

Key data points for Prudhoe Bay Unit

CountyBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
Production DatesMar 1979 - Jan 2025
Total Oil Production951,679,420 BBLs
Total Gas Production9,653,885,217 MCF
Recent Oil Production402,598 BBLs in Dec 2024
Recent Gas Production30,997,243 MCF in Dec 2024
Wells on Property211

Our Valuation Estimates for Prudhoe Bay Unit


$39,856,443 *


$104,129,462 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Prudhoe Bay Unit Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
Subscribe for Full Access Subscribe now to gain immediate access
to oil and gas production for Prudhoe Bay Unit
from Mar 1979 to Jan 2025

Wells on Prudhoe Bay Unit

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
50-029-20272PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-01ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.265957-148.574989
50-029-20272PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-01BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.265957-148.574989
50-029-20272PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-01ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.265957-148.574989
50-029-20272PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-01APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.265957-148.574989
50-029-20290PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-02ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266276-148.575193
50-029-20290PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-02ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266276-148.575193
50-029-20290PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-02BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266276-148.575193
50-029-20291PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-03ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266586-148.575397
50-029-20291PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-03APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266586-148.575397
50-029-20291PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-03ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266596-148.575398
50-029-20291PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-03BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266596-148.575398
50-029-20292PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-04AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266915-148.575602
50-029-20292PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-04ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266918-148.575594
50-029-20293PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-05Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267238-148.575798
50-029-20294PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-06BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267557-148.576002
50-029-20294PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-06ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267557-148.576002
50-029-20294PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-06ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267557-148.576002
50-029-20295PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-07BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267879-148.576198
50-029-20296PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-08ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268199-148.576402
50-029-20296PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-08BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268199-148.576402
50-029-20296PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-08ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268199-148.576402
50-029-20312PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PWDW3-1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.255964-148.570329
50-029-20317PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-01AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239534-148.584992
50-029-20317PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-01ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239542-148.584992
50-029-20318PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-02ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239222-148.584796
50-029-20318PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-02BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239222-148.584796
50-029-20318PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-02CL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239222-148.584796
50-029-20318PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-02AARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239222-148.584796
50-029-20318PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-02CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239222-148.584796
50-029-20319PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-03ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238903-148.584592
50-029-20319PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-03AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238903-148.584592
50-029-20320PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-04AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238580-148.584396
50-029-20320PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-04ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238580-148.584396
50-029-20327PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-05AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238261-148.584192
50-029-20327PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-05ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238261-148.584192
50-029-20328PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-06AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237942-148.583988
50-029-20328PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-06BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237941-148.583988
50-029-20329PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-07Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237619-148.583793
50-029-20330PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-08AL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237300-148.583589
50-029-20330PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-08APB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237300-148.583589
50-029-20330PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-08AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237300-148.583589
50-029-20330PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-08APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237300-148.583589
50-029-20330PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-08ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237300-148.583589
50-029-20330PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-08AL1PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237300-148.583589
50-029-20334PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-09AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268521-148.576614
50-029-20334PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-09BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268521-148.576614
50-029-20335PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-10AHilcorp North Slope, LLCSuspended WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268840-148.576810
50-029-20335PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-10ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268840-148.576810
50-029-20336PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-11ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269160-148.577007
50-029-20336PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-11AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269160-148.577007
50-029-20337PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-12Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269479-148.577211
50-029-20338PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-13BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269802-148.577415
50-029-20338PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-13CPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269802-148.577415
50-029-20338PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-13ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269792-148.577415
50-029-20338PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-13CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269802-148.577415
50-029-20338PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-13ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269802-148.577415
50-029-20339PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-14ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270121-148.577611
50-029-20339PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-14BPB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270121-148.577611
50-029-20339PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-14BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270121-148.577611
50-029-20339PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-14BL1XXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270121-148.577611
50-029-20339PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-14ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270121-148.577611
50-029-20339PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-14CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270121-148.577611
50-029-20502PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-09BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237556-148.582298
50-029-20528PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-10Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237879-148.582502
50-029-20529PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-11BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237819-148.589075
50-029-20529PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-11BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237819-148.589075
50-029-20529PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-11APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237819-148.589075
50-029-20529PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-11ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237819-148.589075
50-029-20529PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-11AL1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237819-148.589075
50-029-20534PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-09AARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237234-148.582103
50-029-20534PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-09BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237234-148.582103
50-029-20534PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-09ARDARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.237234-148.582103
50-029-20551PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-18ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238138-148.589271
50-029-20551PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-18APB3BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238138-148.589271
50-029-20551PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-18BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238138-148.589279
50-029-20551PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-18APB2BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238138-148.589271
50-029-20551PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-18ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238138-148.589271
50-029-20551PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-18APB4BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238138-148.589271
50-029-20551PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-18APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238138-148.589271
50-029-20562PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-17AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235894-148.587868
50-029-20562PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-17BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235894-148.587868
50-029-20578PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-19PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238458-148.589475
50-029-20578PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-19Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238458-148.589475
50-029-20598PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-20Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238780-148.589679
50-029-20608PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-16BPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239801-148.583709
50-029-20608PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-16ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239801-148.583709
50-029-20608PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-16APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239801-148.583709
50-029-20608PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-16ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239801-148.583709
50-029-20608PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-16BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239801-148.583709
50-029-20611PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-15Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239482-148.583505
50-029-20624PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-13Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238840-148.583106
50-029-20625PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-14Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.239162-148.583310
50-029-20631PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-12Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238518-148.582902
50-029-20632PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-26Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238198-148.582706
50-029-20679PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-30AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236912-148.581907
50-029-20679PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-30BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236912-148.581907
50-029-20680PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-29Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236593-148.581703
50-029-20708PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-28BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236273-148.581499
50-029-20708PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-28ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236273-148.581499
50-029-20708PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-28BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236273-148.581499
50-029-20747PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-22ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235574-148.587664
50-029-20747PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-22ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235574-148.587664
50-029-20747PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-22BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235574-148.587664
50-029-20756PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-21AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235255-148.587468
50-029-20756PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-21BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235255-148.587468
50-029-20757PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-23APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238843-148.591165
50-029-20757PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-23AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238843-148.591165
50-029-20757PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-23APB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238843-148.591165
50-029-20757PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-23BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238843-148.591165
50-029-20847PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-15ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268758-148.570947
50-029-20847PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-15BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268758-148.570947
50-029-20847PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-15ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268758-148.570947
50-029-20856PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-16BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268439-148.570743
50-029-20856PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-16AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268439-148.570743
50-029-20871PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-17Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268119-148.570539
50-029-20879PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-18Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267800-148.570335
50-029-20887PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-19ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267478-148.570139
50-029-20887PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-19BPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267478-148.570139
50-029-20887PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-19ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267478-148.570139
50-029-20887PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-19BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267478-148.570139
50-029-20901PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-07BXXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267838-148.576173
50-029-20901PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-07ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267838-148.576173
50-029-20901PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-07CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267838-148.576173
50-029-20901PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-07BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267838-148.576173
50-029-20902PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-20ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267158-148.569935
50-029-20902PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-20CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267158-148.569935
50-029-20902PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-20ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267158-148.569935
50-029-20902PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-20BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267158-148.569935
50-029-20907PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-21Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266839-148.569730
50-029-20925PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-22AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266517-148.569534
50-029-20925PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-22AXXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266517-148.569534
50-029-20925PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-22BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266517-148.569534
50-029-20931PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-26Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267055-148.577422
50-029-20938PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-25BPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266735-148.577226
50-029-20938PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-25BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266735-148.577226
50-029-20938PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-25BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266735-148.577226
50-029-20938PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-25ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266735-148.577226
50-029-20945PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-24Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266413-148.577022
50-029-20947PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-23XXARCO Alaska Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266093-148.576818
50-029-20970PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-24Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238520-148.590961
50-029-20970PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-24AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238520-148.590961
50-029-20981PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-25Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.238201-148.590757
50-029-20989PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-31AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243097-148.585546
50-029-20989PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-31Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243097-148.585546
50-029-20999PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-32BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242777-148.585342
50-029-20999PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-32BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242777-148.585342
50-029-20999PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-32AHilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242777-148.585342
50-029-21002PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-33BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242455-148.585131
50-029-21002PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-33BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242455-148.585131
50-029-21002PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-33AHilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242455-148.585131
50-029-21010PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-34AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242126-148.584935
50-029-21010PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-34BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242133-148.584935
50-029-21018PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-35Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.241813-148.584731
50-029-21039PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-36Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236975-148.583385
50-029-21046PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-27Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235954-148.581303
50-029-21064PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-37XXARCO Alaska Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236661-148.583181
50-029-21635PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-23ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266093-148.576818
50-029-21635PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-23ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266093-148.576818
50-029-21635PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-23BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266093-148.576818
50-029-21744PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-27AXXARCO Alaska Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268917-148.571045
50-029-21744PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-27Hilcorp North Slope, LLCSuspended WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268917-148.571045
50-029-21770PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-28BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270440-148.577815
50-029-21770PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-28BPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270440-148.577815
50-029-21770PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-28ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270440-148.577815
50-029-21770PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-28AL1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270440-148.577815
50-029-21770PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-28ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270440-148.577815
50-029-21782PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-29EHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270282-148.577717
50-029-21782PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-29BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270282-148.577717
50-029-21782PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-29BPB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270282-148.577717
50-029-21782PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-29DBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270282-148.577717
50-029-21782PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-29ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270282-148.577717
50-029-21782PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-29APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270282-148.577717
50-029-21782PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-29CBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270282-148.577717
50-029-21782PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-29ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270282-148.577717
50-029-21786PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-30BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269960-148.577513
50-029-21786PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-30BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269960-148.577513
50-029-21786PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-30ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269960-148.577513
50-029-21809PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-33APB2BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268600-148.570841
50-029-21809PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-33BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268600-148.570841
50-029-21809PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-33APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268600-148.570841
50-029-21809PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-33ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268600-148.570841
50-029-21809PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-33CPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268600-148.570841
50-029-21809PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-33CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268600-148.570841
50-029-21809PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-33ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268600-148.570841
50-029-21810PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-37Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236216-148.588072
50-029-21812PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-34BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267961-148.570441
50-029-21812PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-34ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267961-148.570441
50-029-21812PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-34BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267961-148.570441
50-029-21862PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-38AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236057-148.587966
50-029-21862PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-38BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.236057-148.587966
50-029-21875PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-40BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235416-148.587566
50-029-21875PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-40AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235424-148.587558
50-029-21888PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-39Hilcorp North Slope, LLCSuspended WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235735-148.587770
50-029-22290PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-41AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243258-148.585644
50-029-22290PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-41Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243258-148.585644
50-029-22296PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-43Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242616-148.585237
50-029-22525PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-32BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269007-148.576900
50-029-22525PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-32ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269007-148.576900
50-029-22525PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-32PB1ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268999-148.576900
50-029-22525PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-32ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268999-148.576900
50-029-22573PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-44APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235968-148.587917
50-029-22573PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-44BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235966-148.587917
50-029-22573PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-44PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235966-148.587917
50-029-22573PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 14-44AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.235968-148.587917
50-029-22806PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-36Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266668-148.569640
50-029-22810PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-37Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268839-148.571007
50-029-22811PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-35BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266589-148.569591
50-029-22811PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-35AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266589-148.569591
50-029-23536PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 07-38Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267632-148.570242
50-029-23634PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PWDW3-2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCDisposal Injection Well, ClassBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.256081-148.571695
50-029-23806PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PAVE 3-1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCUnknownBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.266428-148.569485

Leases included in Prudhoe Bay Unit

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
ADL0028312PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028314PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL028306PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL028309PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL028312PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL28312PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK

Operators Associated With Prudhoe Bay Unit

Nearby Properties

These are the closest 2 properties to the Prudhoe Bay Unit property.

Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
Prudhoe Bay UnBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK362,535 BBLs25,844,958 MCFJan 2025
Prudhoe Bay UnitBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK141,167 BBLs13,789,654 MCFJan 2025

Companies in the Area

These are the closest 4 companies operating near the Prudhoe Bay Unit property.

Company Name
Arco Alaska Inc.
BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.
ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.
Hilcorp North Slope, LLC

Frac'ing activity on Prudhoe Bay Unit

API #Well NameStart DateEnd DateVertical DepthTotal Water Volume