Prudhoe Bay Un

Oil & Gas Property in Beechey Point Quadrangle, AK

Property Summary

Key data points for Prudhoe Bay Un

CountyBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
Production DatesJan 1984 - Jan 2025
Total Oil Production196,810,491 BBLs
Total Gas Production410,731,933 MCF
Recent Oil Production205,182 BBLs in Jan 2025
Recent Gas Production668,525 MCF in Jan 2025
Wells on Property210

Our Valuation Estimates for Prudhoe Bay Un


Not Available


$32,686,016 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Prudhoe Bay Un Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
Subscribe for Full Access Subscribe now to gain immediate access
to oil and gas production for Prudhoe Bay Un
from Jan 1984 to Jan 2025

Wells on Prudhoe Bay Un

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
50-029-20695PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-03Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353607-149.032545
50-029-20698PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-02BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353613-149.033438
50-029-20698PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-02AL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353613-149.033438
50-029-20698PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-02AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353600-149.033444
50-029-20698PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-02APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353600-149.033444
50-029-20717PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-01BL1XXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353615-149.034340
50-029-20717PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-01ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353615-149.034340
50-029-20717PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-01CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353615-149.034337
50-029-20717PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-01Sohio Alaska Petroleum CompanyPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353615-149.034340
50-029-20717PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-01BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353615-149.034340
50-029-20728PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-11ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353569-149.025415
50-029-20728PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-11BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353569-149.025415
50-029-20728PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-11BHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353569-149.025415
50-029-20729PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-12Sohio Alaska Petroleum CompanyPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353563-149.024522
50-029-20765PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-10BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353574-149.026308
50-029-20765PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-10AHilcorp North Slope, LLCSuspended WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353574-149.026308
50-029-20771PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-09AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353580-149.027202
50-029-20771PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-09APB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353580-149.027202
50-029-20771PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-09BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353580-149.027202
50-029-20771PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-09APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353580-149.027202
50-029-20771PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-09APB3Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353580-149.027202
50-029-20778PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-08ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353585-149.028095
50-029-20778PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-08BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353585-149.028095
50-029-20778PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-08BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353585-149.028095
50-029-20804PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-14AHilcorp North Slope, LLCSuspended WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353555-149.022735
50-029-20804PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-14BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353555-149.022735
50-029-20810PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-13AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353561-149.023629
50-029-20810PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-13BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353561-149.023629
50-029-20810PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-13APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353561-149.023629
50-029-20829PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-07AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353588-149.028988
50-029-20829PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-07BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353588-149.028988
50-029-20839PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-06Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353594-149.029881
50-029-20869PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-05AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353599-149.030775
50-029-20869PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-05BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353599-149.030775
50-029-20869PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-05APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353599-149.030775
50-029-20959PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-04Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.031668
50-029-20959PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-04AXXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.031668
50-029-21113PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-15Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352646-149.034660
50-029-21123PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-16Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352346-149.034675
50-029-21148PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-17BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352045-149.034690
50-029-21148PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-17CPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352045-149.034690
50-029-21148PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-17ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352045-149.034690
50-029-21148PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-17AL1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352045-149.034690
50-029-21148PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-17CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352045-149.034690
50-029-21148PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-17CPB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352045-149.034690
50-029-21148PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-17BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352045-149.034690
50-029-21156PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-18BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.351745-149.034697
50-029-21156PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-18BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.351745-149.034697
50-029-21156PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-18ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.351745-149.034697
50-029-21419PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-12ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353563-149.024603
50-029-21419PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-12BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353563-149.024603
50-029-21611PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-19Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353615-149.033720
50-029-21637PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-20BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353613-149.033146
50-029-21637PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-20AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353613-149.033146
50-029-22036PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-21Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.032266
50-029-22044PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-24BHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.031952
50-029-22044PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-24ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.031952
50-029-22044PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-24BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.031942
50-029-22047PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-26Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353599-149.031059
50-029-22051PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-30Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353591-149.029272
50-029-22057PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-27BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.030480
50-029-22057PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-27BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.030480
50-029-22057PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-27ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.030480
50-029-22077PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-25APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.031373
50-029-22077PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-25AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.031373
50-029-22077PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-25BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353604-149.031373
50-029-22082PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-29AL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353583-149.027811
50-029-22082PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-29AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353583-149.027811
50-029-22082PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-29BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353585-149.027800
50-029-22088PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-23AXXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353610-149.032819
50-029-22088PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-23Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353610-149.032819
50-029-22095PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-28BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353596-149.030180
50-029-22095PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-28ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353596-149.030180
50-029-22095PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-28PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353596-149.030180
50-029-22095PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-28BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353596-149.030180
50-029-22099PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-32AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353577-149.026633
50-029-22099PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-32BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353580-149.026623
50-029-22109PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-31AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353588-149.028693
50-029-22109PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-31BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353588-149.028693
50-029-22119PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-22BHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353615-149.034039
50-029-22119PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-22ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353615-149.034039
50-029-22119PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-22BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353615-149.034037
50-029-22291PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-37APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353566-149.024871
50-029-22291PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-37AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353566-149.024871
50-029-22291PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-37BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353566-149.024871
50-029-22293PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-33Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353588-149.028403
50-029-22301PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-36Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353569-149.025147
50-029-22305PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-34Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353572-149.026008
50-029-22310PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-38Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353577-149.026917
50-029-22324PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-35Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353572-149.025715
50-029-22494PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-40AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.351955-149.034690
50-029-22494PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-40Hilcorp North Slope, LLCAdministratively AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.351955-149.034690
50-029-22645PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-41AL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.354976-149.034186
50-029-22645PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-41BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.354976-149.034186
50-029-22645PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-41L1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.354976-149.034186
50-029-22645PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-41PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.354976-149.034186
50-029-22645PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-41AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.354976-149.034186
50-029-22662PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-42BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355055-149.034178
50-029-22662PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-42PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355055-149.034178
50-029-22662PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-42AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355055-149.034178
50-029-22735PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-44L1PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355222-149.034170
50-029-22735PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-44BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355222-149.034170
50-029-22735PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-44L1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355222-149.034170
50-029-22735PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-44AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355222-149.034170
50-029-22754PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-43L1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355137-149.034178
50-029-22754PRUDHOE BAY UNIT S-43Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355137-149.034178
50-029-22846PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-200PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355383-149.034154
50-029-22846PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-200AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355383-149.034154
50-029-22846PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-200BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355383-149.034154
50-029-22962PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-100APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355754-149.034147
50-029-22962PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-100AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355754-149.034147
50-029-22962PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-100Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355754-149.034147
50-029-22968PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-101PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355711-149.034139
50-029-22968PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-101Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355711-149.034139
50-029-22972PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-102L1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355795-149.034147
50-029-22972PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-102AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355795-149.034147
50-029-22972PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-102L1PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355795-149.034147
50-029-22972PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-102Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355795-149.034147
50-029-22977PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-105AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356284-149.034123
50-029-22977PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-105BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356284-149.034123
50-029-22981PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-103AHilcorp North Slope, LLCUnknownBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356147-149.034131
50-029-22981PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-103Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356120-149.034123
50-029-22987PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-201PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356164-149.034123
50-029-22987PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-201AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356164-149.034123
50-029-22987PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-201BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356164-149.034123
50-029-22988PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-104Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356325-149.034107
50-029-22989PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-216Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355424-149.034154
50-029-22993PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-213BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355509-149.034162
50-029-22993PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-213AL3Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355509-149.034162
50-029-22993PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-213AL1-01Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355509-149.034162
50-029-22993PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-213AL2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355509-149.034162
50-029-22993PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-213AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355509-149.034162
50-029-22993PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-213AL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355509-149.034162
50-029-22999PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-106L1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356205-149.034123
50-029-22999PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-106L1PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356205-149.034123
50-029-22999PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-106AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356205-149.034123
50-029-22999PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-106PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356202-149.034115
50-029-22999PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-106Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356202-149.034115
50-029-23021PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-108Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355959-149.034139
50-029-23023PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-107L1XXHilcorp North Slope, LLCPermit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356082-149.034131
50-029-23023PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-107Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356082-149.034131
50-029-23030PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-110BHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355874-149.034139
50-029-23030PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-110ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355874-149.034139
50-029-23030PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-110BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355874-149.034139
50-029-23094PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-113ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356048-149.034130
50-029-23094PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-113BL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356041-149.034123
50-029-23094PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-113BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356048-149.034130
50-029-23094PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-113BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356048-149.034130
50-029-23099PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-112L1PB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355468-149.034162
50-029-23099PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-112Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355465-149.034154
50-029-23099PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-112L1PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355468-149.034162
50-029-23099PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-112L1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355468-149.034162
50-029-23107PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-215Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352584-149.034660
50-029-23116PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-114BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356246-149.034123
50-029-23116PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-114BXXHilcorp North Slope, LLCPermit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356246-149.034123
50-029-23116PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-114AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356246-149.034123
50-029-23130PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-115Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355670-149.034147
50-029-23135PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-109PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355833-149.034139
50-029-23135PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-109Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355833-149.034139
50-029-23137PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-117Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355590-149.034154
50-029-23183PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-116AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355301-149.034170
50-029-23183PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-116APB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355301-149.034170
50-029-23183PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-116BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355301-149.034170
50-029-23183PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-116APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355301-149.034170
50-029-23186PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-120Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355544-149.034154
50-029-23188PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-118Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355342-149.034162
50-029-23219PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-123Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353583-149.029587
50-029-23222PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-119Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355918-149.034139
50-029-23222PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-119AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355918-149.034139
50-029-23257PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-111Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356000-149.034131
50-029-23257PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-111PB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356000-149.034131
50-029-23257PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-111PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.356000-149.034131
50-029-23265PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-122PB3Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355629-149.034146
50-029-23265PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-122Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355629-149.034146
50-029-23265PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-122PB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355629-149.034146
50-029-23265PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-122PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355629-149.034146
50-029-23289PRUDHOE BAY UN UGN S-400AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Supply WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.354894-149.034185
50-029-23289PRUDHOE BAY UN UGN S-400BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.354894-149.034185
50-029-23304PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-121Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355263-149.034162
50-029-23304PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-121PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355263-149.034162
50-029-23313PRUDHOE BAY UN UGN S-401Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Supply WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355003-149.034178
50-029-23313PRUDHOE BAY UN UGN S-401PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355003-149.034178
50-029-23323PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-124Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353583-149.029432
50-029-23361PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-125Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355178-149.034170
50-029-23361PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-125PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355178-149.034170
50-029-23362PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-217Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352256-149.034675
50-029-23363PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-126Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352297-149.034675
50-029-23363PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-126BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352297-149.034675
50-029-23363PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-126AHilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352297-149.034675
50-029-23363PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-126APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352297-149.034675
50-029-23413PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-134Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352420-149.034667
50-029-23414PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-218Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352215-149.034683
50-029-23433PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-129PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353599-149.030926
50-029-23433PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-129AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353592-149.030926
50-029-23433PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-129PB2BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353599-149.030926
50-029-23433PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-129BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353599-149.030926
50-029-23436PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-128Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352471-149.034668
50-029-23436PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-128PB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352471-149.034668
50-029-23436PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-128PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352471-149.034668
50-029-23504PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-130XXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.353548-149.023391
50-029-23508PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-135PB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352082-149.034691
50-029-23508PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-135PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352082-149.034691
50-029-23508PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-135Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.352082-149.034691
50-029-23544PRUDHOE BAY UN AURO S-136XXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.354935-149.034177
50-029-23630PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-210Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.355096-149.034178
50-029-23647PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-202L2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.351994-149.034691
50-029-23647PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-202L4Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.351994-149.034691
50-029-23647PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-202L1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.351994-149.034691
50-029-23647PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-202L3Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.351994-149.034691
50-029-23647PRUDHOE BAY UN POL S-202Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.351994-149.034691

Leases included in Prudhoe Bay Un

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
ADL0025257PRUDHOE BAY UN AUROHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028253PRUDHOE BAY UN POLHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028258PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0047448PRUDHOE BAY UN AUROHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL028257PRUDHOE BAY UN AUROHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL028258PRUDHOE BAY UN AUROHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK

Nearby Properties

These are the closest 3 properties to the Prudhoe Bay Un property.

Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
Prudhoe Bay UnBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK271,375 BBLs4,092,660 MCFJan 2025
Prudhoe Bay UnBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK191,887 BBLs526,309 MCFJan 2025
Prudhoe Bay UnitBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK29,498 BBLs170,508 MCFJan 2025

Companies in the Area

These are the closest 4 companies operating near the Prudhoe Bay Un property.

Company Name
BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.
Hilcorp North Slope, LLC
Sohio Alaska Petroleum Company
Standard Alaska Production Company

Frac'ing activity on Prudhoe Bay Un

API #Well NameStart DateEnd DateVertical DepthTotal Water Volume
API #Well NameStart DateEnd DateVertical DepthTotal Water Volume
50-029-23135PBU S-109
50-029-23361Prudhoe Bay Unit S-125
50-029-23361Prudhoe Bay Unit S-125
50-029-23433PBU S-129