Prudhoe Bay Un

Oil & Gas Property in Beechey Point Quadrangle, AK

Property Summary

Key data points for Prudhoe Bay Un

CountyBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
Production DatesJun 1977 - Dec 2024
Total Oil Production1,665,239,234 BBLs
Total Gas Production10,374,639,258 MCF
Recent Oil Production666,660 BBLs in Nov 2024
Recent Gas Production24,321,212 MCF in Nov 2024
Wells on Property409

Our Valuation Estimates for Prudhoe Bay Un


$44,391,641 *


$134,111,549 **

* Assessment based on future expected revenue
** Based on a 36 month multiple of average monthly estimated revenue

Based on a decimal interest

Prudhoe Bay Un Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this property
Subscribe for Full Access Subscribe now to gain immediate access
to oil and gas production for Prudhoe Bay Un
from Jun 1977 to Dec 2024

Wells on Prudhoe Bay Un

API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameOperatorStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
50-029-20078PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-01BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267893-148.280875
50-029-20078PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-01ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267893-148.280875
50-029-20088PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-02ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268212-148.281079
50-029-20088PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-02ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268212-148.281079
50-029-20092PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-03BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268532-148.281282
50-029-20093PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-01XXAtlantic Richfield CompanyPermit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231960-148.271857
50-029-20096PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-04ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269015-148.281583
50-029-20096PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-04ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269015-148.281583
50-029-20107PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-05ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269490-148.281893
50-029-20107PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-05ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269490-148.281893
50-029-20111PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-06Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269810-148.282096
50-029-20187PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-01BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.233751-148.272986
50-029-20187PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-01AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.233751-148.272986
50-029-20188PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-01BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242813-148.241185
50-029-20188PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-01APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242813-148.241185
50-029-20188PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-01AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242813-148.241185
50-029-20189PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-07BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271762-148.283304
50-029-20189PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-07PB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271762-148.283304
50-029-20193PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-08Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272084-148.283508
50-029-20198PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-02BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243132-148.241380
50-029-20198PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-02APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243132-148.241380
50-029-20198PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-02AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243132-148.241380
50-029-20203PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-02Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.233440-148.272791
50-029-20207PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-09Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272404-148.283712
50-029-20209PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-03BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243452-148.241582
50-029-20209PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-03AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243452-148.241582
50-029-20211PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-03Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.233120-148.272588
50-029-20212PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-04ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243774-148.241785
50-029-20212PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-04AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243774-148.241785
50-029-20213PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-10Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272723-148.283907
50-029-20215PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-05BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.244094-148.241988
50-029-20215PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-05ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.244094-148.241988
50-029-20215PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-05ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.244094-148.241988
50-029-20216PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-06Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.244413-148.242190
50-029-20218PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-04Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.232801-148.272385
50-029-20220PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-07BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231837-148.271783
50-029-20220PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-07BHilcorp North Slope, LLCGas Injection, Single CompletioBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231837-148.271783
50-029-20220PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-07ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231837-148.271783
50-029-20222PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-05Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.232479-148.272190
50-029-20223PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-07AHilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247952-148.236153
50-029-20223PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-07ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247946-148.236153
50-029-20223PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-07BXXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247946-148.236153
50-029-20224PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-06Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.232159-148.271987
50-029-20227PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PWDW2-1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCDisposal Injection Well, ClassBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.267309-148.328236
50-029-20230PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-08Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247627-148.235951
50-029-20231PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-08Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231517-148.271580
50-029-20232PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-09AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247305-148.235772
50-029-20232PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-09Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247305-148.235756
50-029-20235PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-10Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246985-148.235553
50-029-20236PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-11Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246663-148.235351
50-029-20239PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-12Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246344-148.235148
50-029-20240PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-13Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246024-148.234945
50-029-20249PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-14Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.245705-148.234743
50-029-20256PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-15BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.245382-148.234540
50-029-20256PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-15AHilcorp North Slope, LLCGas Injection, Single CompletioBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.245382-148.234540
50-029-20257PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-16Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.245063-148.234337
50-029-20258PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-17Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.244741-148.234135
50-029-20259PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-18AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.244421-148.233940
50-029-20259PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-18BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.244421-148.233940
50-029-20260PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-19Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.244102-148.233729
50-029-20261PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-20Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243779-148.233535
50-029-20286PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-11ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272245-148.275344
50-029-20286PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-11AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272245-148.275361
50-029-20297PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-12Hilcorp North Slope, LLCSuspended WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271926-148.275166
50-029-20305PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-13Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271606-148.274937
50-029-20310PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-14PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271284-148.274736
50-029-20310PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-14Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271284-148.274736
50-029-20311PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-15Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270965-148.274532
50-029-20315PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-16XXAtlantic Richfield CompanyPermit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270643-148.274329
50-029-20361PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-10BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.234071-148.273198
50-029-20361PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-10AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.234071-148.273198
50-029-20362PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-09Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.234390-148.273401
50-029-20383PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-11Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231198-148.271377
50-029-20392PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-12AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230878-148.271174
50-029-20392PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-12BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230878-148.271174
50-029-20399PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-13Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230556-148.270971
50-029-20407PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-14ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230237-148.270775
50-029-20407PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-14BL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230237-148.270775
50-029-20407PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-14BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230237-148.270775
50-029-20407PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-14BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230237-148.270775
50-029-20414PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-15ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231332-148.278774
50-029-20414PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-15BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231332-148.278774
50-029-20414PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-15AL1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231332-148.278774
50-029-20414PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-15ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231332-148.278774
50-029-20414PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-15CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231332-148.278774
50-029-20415PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-16ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231654-148.278969
50-029-20415PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-16AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231654-148.278969
50-029-20420PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-17Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231973-148.279173
50-029-20421PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-18AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.232293-148.279376
50-029-20421PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-18ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.232293-148.279376
50-029-20476PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-01AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206067-148.316571
50-029-20476PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-01BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206067-148.316571
50-029-20480PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-04ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269867-148.321128
50-029-20480PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-04AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269867-148.321128
50-029-20486PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-02Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206386-148.316775
50-029-20488PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-25AHilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273085-148.323236
50-029-20488PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-25ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273085-148.323236
50-029-20488PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-14ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273070-148.323260
50-029-20492PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-03APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206708-148.316971
50-029-20492PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-03AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206708-148.316971
50-029-20492PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-03ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206708-148.316971
50-029-20498PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-04AXXARCO Alaska Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207030-148.317174
50-029-20498PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-04AL1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207026-148.317186
50-029-20498PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-04ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207026-148.317186
50-029-20498PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-04BPB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207026-148.317186
50-029-20498PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-04CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207030-148.317174
50-029-20498PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-04ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207030-148.317174
50-029-20498PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-04APB1BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207026-148.317186
50-029-20498PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-04BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207026-148.317186
50-029-20508PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-05Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207350-148.317378
50-029-20530PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-06Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207669-148.317581
50-029-20596PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-07BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207697-148.313308
50-029-20596PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-07ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207697-148.313308
50-029-20596PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-07BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207697-148.313308
50-029-20602PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-08Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207377-148.313104
50-029-20617PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-09AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207058-148.312909
50-029-20617PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-09BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207058-148.312909
50-029-20617PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-09APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207058-148.312909
50-029-20622PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-10ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206738-148.312705
50-029-20622PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-10AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206744-148.312709
50-029-20644PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-01AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268900-148.320653
50-029-20644PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-01ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268900-148.320653
50-029-20649PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-02Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269223-148.320857
50-029-20666PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-03AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269542-148.321053
50-029-20666PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-03ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269542-148.321053
50-029-20670PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-05AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270184-148.321454
50-029-20670PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-05ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270184-148.321454
50-029-20674PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-06AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270506-148.321658
50-029-20674PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-06BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270506-148.321658
50-029-20687PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-07PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270825-148.321854
50-029-20687PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-07Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270825-148.321854
50-029-20971PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-19Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228451-148.281532
50-029-20977PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-16AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273529-148.276126
50-029-20977PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-16ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273529-148.276126
50-029-20980PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-20BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228773-148.281735
50-029-20980PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-20ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228773-148.281735
50-029-20980PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-20ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228773-148.281735
50-029-20990PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-21AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229093-148.281938
50-029-20990PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-21BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229093-148.281938
50-029-20996PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-20Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274809-148.276940
50-029-21000PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-22AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229415-148.282142
50-029-21000PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-22BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229415-148.282142
50-029-21004PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-23Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229734-148.282345
50-029-21015PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-24ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230002-148.282548
50-029-21015PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-24ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230002-148.282548
50-029-21015PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-24BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230002-148.282548
50-029-21019PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-08Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.299273-148.315295
50-029-21021PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-25AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231012-148.278571
50-029-21021PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-25ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.231012-148.278571
50-029-21027PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-26Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230693-148.278368
50-029-21036PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-21AHilcorp North Slope, LLCUnknownBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243457-148.233332
50-029-21036PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-21Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243457-148.233332
50-029-21049PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-22Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243138-148.233129
50-029-21066PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-23AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242818-148.232927
50-029-21066PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-23APB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242818-148.232927
50-029-21066PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-23ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242818-148.232886
50-029-21066PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-23APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242818-148.232927
50-029-21083PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-25Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242499-148.232726
50-029-21091PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-26Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242177-148.232524
50-029-21109PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-27AXXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230373-148.278165
50-029-21109PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-27BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230373-148.278165
50-029-21109PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-27AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230373-148.278165
50-029-21114PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-28Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230054-148.277961
50-029-21118PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-29AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229732-148.277758
50-029-21118PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-29BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229732-148.277758
50-029-21122PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-30BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229412-148.277555
50-029-21122PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-30AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229412-148.277555
50-029-21129PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-31AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229472-148.272105
50-029-21129PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-31BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229472-148.272105
50-029-21132PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-34AARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228508-148.271495
50-029-21132PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-34CXXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228508-148.271495
50-029-21132PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-34ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228508-148.271495
50-029-21132PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-34BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228508-148.271495
50-029-21141PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-32BL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229150-148.271901
50-029-21141PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-32ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229150-148.271901
50-029-21141PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-32BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229150-148.271901
50-029-21141PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-32BL2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229150-148.271901
50-029-21141PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-32ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.229150-148.271927
50-029-21142PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-33CHilcorp North Slope, LLCGas Injection, Single CompletioBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228831-148.271698
50-029-21142PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-33ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228831-148.271698
50-029-21142PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-33BBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228831-148.271698
50-029-21142PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-33ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.228831-148.271698
50-029-21190PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-14Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.205460-148.311891
50-029-21200PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-13AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.205780-148.312102
50-029-21200PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-13BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.205780-148.312094
50-029-21212PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-12AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271145-148.322066
50-029-21212PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-12BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271145-148.322066
50-029-21221PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-15BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271467-148.322262
50-029-21229PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-13AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273387-148.323473
50-029-21229PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-13ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273390-148.323473
50-029-21245PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-08Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273709-148.323669
50-029-21259PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-11AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206419-148.312501
50-029-21259PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-11BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206419-148.312501
50-029-21260PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-12AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206092-148.312306
50-029-21260PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-12BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206092-148.312306
50-029-21291PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-27AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242491-148.240979
50-029-21291PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-27BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242491-148.240979
50-029-21292PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-28ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242171-148.240776
50-029-21292PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-28BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242171-148.240776
50-029-21292PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-28ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.242171-148.240776
50-029-21314PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-35ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247643-148.244225
50-029-21314PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-35BHilcorp North Slope, LLCUnknownBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247643-148.244225
50-029-21314PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-35AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247643-148.244225
50-029-21326PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-32AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270323-148.274133
50-029-21326PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-32BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270323-148.274133
50-029-21329PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-34ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247482-148.244128
50-029-21329PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-34APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247482-148.244128
50-029-21329PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-34AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247482-148.244128
50-029-21334PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-31Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270481-148.274231
50-029-21334PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-31AXXHilcorp North Slope, LLCPermit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270481-148.274231
50-029-21345PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-30Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270643-148.274337
50-029-21345PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-30PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270643-148.274337
50-029-21365PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-33AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247321-148.244023
50-029-21365PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-33BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247321-148.244023
50-029-21371PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-32Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247163-148.243925
50-029-21382PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-11AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274031-148.323873
50-029-21382PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-11BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274031-148.323873
50-029-21394PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-10AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274351-148.324069
50-029-21394PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-10BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274351-148.324069
50-029-21396PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-31ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247002-148.243820
50-029-21396PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-31DHilcorp North Slope, LLCGas Injection, Single CompletioBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247002-148.243820
50-029-21396PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-31BARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247002-148.243820
50-029-21396PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-31DXXBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247002-148.243820
50-029-21396PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-31AARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247002-148.243820
50-029-21396PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-31CBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247002-148.243820
50-029-21402PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-09AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274670-148.324274
50-029-21402PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-09ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274670-148.324274
50-029-21411PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-30Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246840-148.243723
50-029-21411PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-30PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246840-148.243723
50-029-21421PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-05Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.299260-148.316736
50-029-21422PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-29AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246682-148.243625
50-029-21422PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-29BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246682-148.243625
50-029-21428PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-24APB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247463-148.235853
50-029-21428PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-24Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247463-148.235853
50-029-21428PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-24APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247463-148.235853
50-029-21428PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-24AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247463-148.235853
50-029-21429PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-36AARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247785-148.236056
50-029-21429PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-36BLARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247785-148.236056
50-029-21429PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-36ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247783-148.236056
50-029-21429PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-36CHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247785-148.236056
50-029-21435PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-21BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274648-148.276859
50-029-21435PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-21AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274648-148.276859
50-029-21452PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-11Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.298776-148.316450
50-029-21453PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-29ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270804-148.274434
50-029-21453PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-29AL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270804-148.274434
50-029-21453PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-29AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270794-148.274433
50-029-21453PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-29AL1PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270804-148.274434
50-029-21454PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-22AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274490-148.276761
50-029-21454PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-22APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274490-148.276761
50-029-21454PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-22ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274490-148.276761
50-029-21454PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-22AL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274490-148.276761
50-029-21476PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-15Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.298457-148.316254
50-029-21484PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-23AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274329-148.276655
50-029-21484PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-23ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274329-148.276655
50-029-21488PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-28Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271123-148.274638
50-029-21494PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-19Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.298135-148.316057
50-029-21503PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-27Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271445-148.274841
50-029-21508PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-24Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274168-148.276558
50-029-21513PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-23Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.297815-148.315869
50-029-21520PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-26Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271765-148.275034
50-029-21521PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-18AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273848-148.276354
50-029-21521PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-18BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273848-148.276354
50-029-21532PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-17Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273687-148.276256
50-029-21533PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-19XXARCO Alaska Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274018-148.276427
50-029-21544PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-31Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.297171-148.315484
50-029-21545PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-33BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273368-148.276052
50-029-21545PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-33ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273368-148.276052
50-029-21545PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-33BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273368-148.276052
50-029-21555PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-25Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272084-148.275238
50-029-21581PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-16Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269255-148.315707
50-029-21581PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-16PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269255-148.315707
50-029-21598PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-17AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269414-148.315805
50-029-21598PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-17BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269414-148.315805
50-029-21607PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-18Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269575-148.315911
50-029-21610PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-23ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274509-148.324167
50-029-21610PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-23BPB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274509-148.324167
50-029-21610PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-23ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274509-148.324167
50-029-21610PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-23BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274509-148.324167
50-029-21623PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-24AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272109-148.322663
50-029-21623PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-24ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272109-148.322663
50-029-21628PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-26Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272428-148.322868
50-029-21638PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-27APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272748-148.323064
50-029-21638PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-27AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272748-148.323064
50-029-21638PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-27APB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272748-148.323064
50-029-21638PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-27Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272748-148.323064
50-029-21644PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-02Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.299757-148.315590
50-029-21651PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-12Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.298951-148.315107
50-029-21657PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-18L1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.298471-148.314812
50-029-21657PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-18Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.298471-148.314812
50-029-21657PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-18L1PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.298471-148.314812
50-029-21663PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-22AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.298148-148.314624
50-029-21663PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-22BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.298148-148.314624
50-029-21670PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-24Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.297990-148.314526
50-029-21673PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-30Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.297507-148.314239
50-029-21691PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-28XXARCO Alaska Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272267-148.322770
50-029-21791PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-19AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273993-148.276457
50-029-21791PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-19BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274007-148.276460
50-029-21919PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-38Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246524-148.243520
50-029-21936PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-37XXARCO Alaska Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247804-148.244323
50-029-21955PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-28BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.297668-148.314338
50-029-21958PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-28BHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273548-148.323563
50-029-21958PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-28ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273548-148.323563
50-029-21958PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-28BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273548-148.323563
50-029-21959PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-01Hilcorp North Slope, LLCSuspended WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.299582-148.316925
50-029-22035PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-22ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269094-148.315609
50-029-22035PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-22AL1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269087-148.315611
50-029-22035PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-22AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269087-148.315611
50-029-22054PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-41Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247804-148.244331
50-029-22059PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-42APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247974-148.244420
50-029-22059PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-42AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247974-148.244420
50-029-22059PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-42ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247965-148.244436
50-029-22078PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-43AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.248107-148.236259
50-029-22078PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-43Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.248107-148.236259
50-029-22083PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-45Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246824-148.235448
50-029-22087PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-44AHilcorp North Slope, LLCSuspended WellBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247144-148.235651
50-029-22087PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-44BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247144-148.235651
50-029-22087PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-44APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247144-148.235651
50-029-22092PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-46Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.245221-148.234435
50-029-22098PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-47BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.245863-148.234840
50-029-22098PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-47AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.245863-148.234840
50-029-22118PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-40Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.246505-148.235253
50-029-22128PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-48Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.245543-148.234645
50-029-22133PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-39Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.248127-148.244525
50-029-22147PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-35BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.275132-148.277160
50-029-22147PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-35APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.275132-148.277160
50-029-22147PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-35AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.275132-148.277160
50-029-22160PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-34ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274965-148.277054
50-029-22160PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-34AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274965-148.277054
50-029-22162PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-36Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273207-148.275955
50-029-22171PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-37Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270165-148.274035
50-029-22181PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-39Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272406-148.275433
50-029-22184PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-35BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.233284-148.272694
50-029-22184PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-35AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.233284-148.272694
50-029-22210PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-38AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272562-148.283809
50-029-22210PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-38BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272565-148.283809
50-029-22224PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-40Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268051-148.280973
50-029-22229PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-42Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269968-148.282194
50-029-22237PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-41APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271923-148.283402
50-029-22237PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-41AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271923-148.283402
50-029-22237PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-41APB2Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271923-148.283402
50-029-22237PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-41BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271923-148.283402
50-029-22286PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-16Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.207538-148.313212
50-029-22292PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-15BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206570-148.312607
50-029-22292PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-15APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206570-148.312607
50-029-22292PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-15AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206570-148.312607
50-029-22294PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-18XXARCO Alaska Inc.Permit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206897-148.312811
50-029-22297PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-19AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206899-148.312815
50-029-22297PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-19ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206899-148.312803
50-029-22300PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-20Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206031-148.317295
50-029-22308PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-21Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.206872-148.317076
50-029-22317PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-49BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247406-148.244071
50-029-22317PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-49AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247406-148.244071
50-029-22320PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-51BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.245462-148.234610
50-029-22320PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-51AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.245462-148.234597
50-029-22325PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-50AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247387-148.235805
50-029-22325PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-50BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.247384-148.235805
50-029-22340PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-36BHilcorp North Slope, LLCGas Injection, Single CompletioBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230717-148.271076
50-029-22340PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-36ABP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230717-148.271098
50-029-22340PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-36BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.230717-148.271098
50-029-22434PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-46AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273127-148.275898
50-029-22434PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-46Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273127-148.275898
50-029-22439PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-47Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273288-148.275996
50-029-22443PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-43Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271363-148.274782
50-029-22446PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-44Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271047-148.274589
50-029-22451PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-37Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.243217-148.233178
50-029-22454PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-45Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269894-148.282129
50-029-22466PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-29Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272349-148.322811
50-029-22476PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-35Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272991-148.323211
50-029-22477PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-36Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272669-148.323007
50-029-22484PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-30AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274752-148.324323
50-029-22484PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-30BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274752-148.324323
50-029-22490PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-33Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273949-148.323816
50-029-22498PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-48BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272005-148.275189
50-029-22509PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-31AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271306-148.322164
50-029-22509PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-31ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271306-148.322164
50-029-22509PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-31AXXARCO Alaska Inc.Permit CancelledBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271306-148.322164
50-029-22512PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-32BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271385-148.322213
50-029-22512PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-32AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271385-148.322213
50-029-22516PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-34Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270283-148.321519
50-029-22713PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-49Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272363-148.275434
50-029-22716PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-37APB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269729-148.316010
50-029-22716PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-37AHilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269729-148.316010
50-029-22716PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-37BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269729-148.316010
50-029-22723PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-38AHilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271059-148.322017
50-029-22723PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-38ARCO Alaska Inc.Plugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.271059-148.322017
50-029-23000PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 17-22Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.205527-148.311962
50-029-23082PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PSI-06Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.310870-148.314615
50-029-23095PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PSI-09Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.310949-148.313926
50-029-23104PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PSI-01Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.310742-148.315773
50-029-23110PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PSI-10Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.310984-148.313695
50-029-23114PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PSI-08Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.310925-148.314153
50-029-23174PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PSI-05Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.310845-148.314850
50-029-23177PRUDHOE BAY UNIT PSI-07Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.310897-148.314388
50-029-23421PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 03-37Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Alt Gas InjectionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.232156-148.279408
50-029-23453PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS 04-350Hilcorp North Slope, LLCWater Injection, Single CompletBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272161-148.275320
50-029-23518PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-39Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270390-148.321584
50-029-23518PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-39PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.270390-148.321584
50-029-23535PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-03Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.299411-148.316825
50-029-23538PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-10Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.299105-148.316824
50-029-23553PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-40PB1Hilcorp North Slope, LLCPlugged & AbandonedBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272830-148.323113
50-029-23553PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-40Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.272830-148.323113
50-029-23575PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-25Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.297647-148.315773
50-029-23597PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 04-51Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.268770-148.281421
50-029-23618PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 09-52Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.248026-148.236202
50-029-23628PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-06Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.299430-148.315434
50-029-23667PRUDHOE BAY UN LIS L3-26XXHilcorp North Slope, LLCPermit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.297819-148.314430
50-029-23674PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-41XXHilcorp North Slope, LLCPermit ExpiredBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.273308-148.323415
50-029-23775PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-42Hilcorp North Slope, LLCUnknownBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.274588-148.324225
50-029-23782PRUDHOE BAY UNIT 11-41Hilcorp North Slope, LLCOil Well, Single CompletionBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK70.269887-148.316107

Leases included in Prudhoe Bay Un

Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
Lease #Lease NameOperatorCountyMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.
ADL0025325PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028237PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028323PRUDHOE BAY UN LISHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028324PRUDHOE BAY UNITBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Beechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028325PRUDHOE BAY UNITBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Beechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028327PRUDHOE BAY UNITBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Beechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028331PRUDHOE BAY UNITBP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.Beechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028334PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL0028345PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL028324PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK
ADL028327PRUDHOE BAY UNITHilcorp North Slope, LLCBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK

Nearby Properties

These are the closest 2 properties to the Prudhoe Bay Un property.

Property NameLocationOil Prod.Gas Prod.Prod. Period
Prudhoe Bay UnBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK128,126 BBLs3,663,615 MCFDec 2024
Prudhoe Bay UnitBeechey Point Quadrangle, AK34,711 BBLs242,017 MCFDec 2024

Companies in the Area

These are the closest 4 companies operating near the Prudhoe Bay Un property.

Company Name
Arco Alaska Inc.
BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.
Hilcorp North Slope, LLC
Sohio Alaska Petroleum Company