Acadian Gas Pipeline System

Oil Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Acadian Gas Pipeline System. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateLA
Production DatesJan 1984 - Jan 2025
Total Oil Production95,915 BBLs
Total Gas Production0 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Acadian Gas Pipeline System Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Acadian Gas Pipeline System
from Jan 1984 to Jan 2025

Wells Operated by Acadian Gas Pipeline System

API #Well NameStatusCountyLatitudeLongitude
No Wells Associated with Acadian Gas Pipeline System

Leases Operated by Acadian Gas Pipeline System

Lease #Lease NameCounty
Lease #Lease NameCounty
801385-5 ANCHORAGE SEPARATOR West Baton Rouge Parish, LA
801512-5 BRS #101 TO CHICO C INTERCNCT St. James Parish, LA
801553-5 BRS 101 WEST RIVER HEADER St. John the Baptist Parish, LA
801395-5 CAJUN ELECTRIC DRIP POINT West Baton Rouge Parish, LA
801470-5 CFI INDUSTRIES DRIP POINT Ascension Parish, LA
800549-5 CHATHAM DRIP POINT Jackson Parish, LA
801576-5 CITY OF BAKER DRIP POINT East Baton Rouge Parish, LA
801774-5 CITY OF THIBODAUX - HEROS PARK Lafourche Parish, LA
800118-5 CORA TEXAS Iberville Parish, LA
801546-5 COX & ROBICHAUX DRIP Assumption Parish, LA
801356-5 DEGUSSA PLANT DRIP POINT St. Mary Parish, LA
801471-5 ELM HALL DRIP POINT Assumption Parish, LA
801947-5 ENTERGY-NINE MILE POINT Jefferson Parish, LA
801783-5 EVANGELINE-HWY 3142 DRIP POINT St. Charles Parish, LA
801357-5 FORMOSA PLASTICS DRIP POINT East Baton Rouge Parish, LA
801388-5 GRAMERCY DRIP POINT #1 St. James Parish, LA
800074-5 GRAND BAYOU DEHYDRATIONS U Assumption Parish, LA
801367-5 GRAND BAYOU DRIP POINT Caddo Parish, LA
801366-5 GRAND BAYOU STORAGE FACILITY Assumption Parish, LA
801261-5 GSU-LA STATION SEPARATOR East Baton Rouge Parish, LA
801968-5 LAFOURCHE SUGARS DRIP POINT Lafourche Parish, LA
800616-5 LOUISA COMPRESSOR DRIP St. Mary Parish, LA
801248-5 MOEL REDUCING STA/SCRUBBER Ascension Parish, LA
800119-5 OAKLEY REDUCING STA Assumption Parish, LA
801466-5 OAKLEY-ARCO DRIP POINT Assumption Parish, LA
801547-5 OCCIDENTAL COGEN-TAFT DRIP St. Charles Parish, LA
801782-5 OLD GRAND BAYOU DRIP POINT Assumption Parish, LA
800084-5 PIPELINE DRIP POINT Terrebonne Parish, LA
801189-5 PORT ALLEN REGULATOR SEPARATOR West Baton Rouge Parish, LA
801469-5 PROMIX SALES STATION DRIP PT Assumption Parish, LA
801554-5 SAMSON RESOURCES HOUMA DRIP Terrebonne Parish, LA
801574-5 ST LOUIS CANAL SEPARATOR Terrebonne Parish, LA
801811-5 TAMINCO HIGHER AMINES-ST GA DP Iberville Parish, LA
801703-5 WESTLAKE CHEMICAL DRIP PT. Ascension Parish, LA
800728-5 WILLOW GLEN POWER PLANT DRIP Iberville Parish, LA

Properties Operated by Acadian Gas Pipeline System

No Properties Associated with Acadian Gas Pipeline System

Recent Permits Filed by Acadian Gas Pipeline System

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
Please Subscribe to View Permits filed by Acadian Gas Pipeline System